Making of Gunnery Sergeant Thomas Highway

Read the making where artist inspire with the character of the movie and create this portrait in 3ds max, Mudbox

New Masking Tool: Topaz ReMask

Topaz ReMask is simply the fastest, easiest and most effective way to create detailed masks and extractions.

Challenge Your World : Video Challenge Winners


The Challenge Your World 2009 “Video Challenge” winners were announced during the Challenge Your World live event, “Rendez-Vous 09″ in Montreal. “A Better Tomorrow” (directed by Nicholas Bentley) took the Jury’s Choice award, while Digital Kitchen Chicago’s Natural Re-sasters (helmed by Aaron Becker) won the People’s Choice vote.

In keeping with the overall goal of the Challenge Your World Video Challenge, both pieces tell an interesting tale about bettering our future though new and fun innovations.

Be on the look out for the next CWY contest, Idea Challenge.

High Res. QT of Natural Re-sasters

Natural Re-sasters :

Creative Director:
Aaron Becker

Art Director:
Jason Esser

Aaron Becker
Jason Esser

Colin Davis & Kent Smith

Original Music:
Mark Walk

Jeff Christian

Editing & Sound Design:
Andrew Maggio

Design & Animation:
Aaron Becker
Jason Esser
Ryan Sneddon
Mike Cone
Chris Green

Posted on Motionographer

Sergio Saleh

Verrebbe da dire che Sergio Saleh sia l’ennesimo motiongrapher argentino che viene a rubarci il lavoro. Rinchiuso nella sua stanzetta a Buenos Aires, la sola esistenza di Skype lo qualifica come Direttore Creativo del restyling di FoxLife Italia, probabilmente il canale in lingua italiana che “veste” meglio e l’unico che riesce ad essere italiano e contemporaneo al tempo stesso.

Ma oramai si sa che in Argentina disegnare l’immagine corporativa di un canale è di moda quanto giocare a pallone e che il livello espresso dagli animatori d’oltre oceano, che ci piaccia o no, va rispettato.

Sergio Saleh, è fedele allo stile sudamericano del riempire lo schermo con una gran quantità di elementi e del far si che magicamente acquistino armonia senza mai saturare la composizione. I mondi che crea sono ben coesi. L’utilizzo del mezzo tecnico è sempre discreto e rigorosamente in funzione dell’idea. Inoltre è un attento ascoltatore. Si preoccupa continuamente che qualsiasi appiglio sonoro non venga sprecato, ma che anzi, potenzi al massimo l’immagine.

Dopo alcuni anni passati nello studio Medialuna, lavora oggi come freelance per varie entità, soprattutto in Spagna, Italia e Sudamerica.

TyC Sport


Articolo redatto da Matteo Crinelli

Crossing over

Hi everyone

I’m not sure if this has been discussed before, but here goes anyway

I’ve been a fusion user for quite some time now and lately I’ve been interested in Nuke.
Thing is, when I started to tinker around with it I’ve found it somewhat lacking.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen all the amazing stuff Nuke can do, but it seems to me that it’s not THERE yet.
Like the simple things. When I connect a merge node to it’s A and B inputs and then try to connect the mask input – it just overlaps with either the A or B inputs. Making it really hard to disconect it later.
This is just an example.
I’d like to know if there are other people who’ve made this transition from Fusion to Nuke and maybe have some pointers on smoothing out the journy.

Let me clear, I’ve got nothing but respect for Nuke. I just find it hard to overcome those simple so called "glitches" I’ve stumbled into.

Thanks in advance to whomever respondes.


Examples of a perfect composite?

inspired by the thread of our friend mttjss i decided to make this thread not only for fun but to see how a perfect composite looks and learn with it.

so pls show us what you think is a perfect composite shot…
cheers 😀 😀

VFX: Crown-Berger Commercial

Prime Focus completing a colorful 45 second commercial for African brand Crown-Berger

Interview with Next Limit

Interview with Victor Gonzalez, co-founder of Next Limit Technologies. Creator of fluid simulation software Realflow

Why it Happens

Hi ,
Every one

why this things happen in node view, what is the shot cut to get it back

plz see the both images one is seen as full arrow,

and other one with dotted arrow,Thz in advance.

Where to get Chrome Balls and grey balls


Can someone pls recommend me a place who sells chrome balls and Grey balls internationally..

further, brand/model recommendations are also welcome..

