Crossing over

Hi everyone

I’m not sure if this has been discussed before, but here goes anyway

I’ve been a fusion user for quite some time now and lately I’ve been interested in Nuke.
Thing is, when I started to tinker around with it I’ve found it somewhat lacking.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen all the amazing stuff Nuke can do, but it seems to me that it’s not THERE yet.
Like the simple things. When I connect a merge node to it’s A and B inputs and then try to connect the mask input – it just overlaps with either the A or B inputs. Making it really hard to disconect it later.
This is just an example.
I’d like to know if there are other people who’ve made this transition from Fusion to Nuke and maybe have some pointers on smoothing out the journy.

Let me clear, I’ve got nothing but respect for Nuke. I just find it hard to overcome those simple so called "glitches" I’ve stumbled into.

Thanks in advance to whomever respondes.


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