hi does nuke run fine on red hat enterprise linux 5.1 ?


IBK Keyer Tutorial – Nuke

Found on Foundry’s Nuke Training webpage

IBK Keyer Tutorial – by Steve Wright

Steve Wright, senior visual effects artist, trainer and author, has put together a keying tutorial for Nuke’s Image Based Keyer (IBK). If, like me, you’ve struggled to understand the IBK, you’ll find this friendly and informative guide invaluable.

Quicktime Tutorial (87MB)

IBK Tutorial Images ZIP (38MB)

Nuke 5.1v3 released

Nuke 5.1v3

Release Date
21 January 2009

Supported Operating Systems
• Mac OS X 10.5 “Leopard” (32-bit only)
• Windows XP SP2, XP64
• Linux CentOS 4.5 (32- and 64-bit)

New Features

• On Windows and Linux, you can use PyQt to write custom Qt applications or GUIs in Python and use them within Nuke. This was tracked as feature request 4961. For more information on using PyQt in Nuke, please see Using PyQt in Nuke to Write Custom GUIs in chapter 18, The Script Editor and Python, of the User Guide.
• You can use wxPython to write custom wxWidgets applications or GUIs in Python and use them within Nuke. This was tracked as feature request 5784. For more information on using wxPython in Nuke, please see Using wxPython in Nuke to Write Custom GUIs in chapter 18,
The Script Editor and Python, of the User Guide.

• General increase in render performance on 2-, 4-, and 8-core CPU configurations, including
significant improvements to Scanline render and Gridwarp.
• When opening properties panels, Ctrl/Cmd+click now acts the same as double-click, opening
the panel in the default place (Properties Bin if it exists, otherwise floating). You now need
to Alt+Ctrl/Cmd+click to force Nuke to open a panel in a floating window when the Properties
Bin is present (BUG ID 5961).

More: Release Notes Nuke 5.1v3

Product Webpage



Volcom Embraces Creativity of Young Filmmakers with Sponsorship of Youth Film Event

The Festival is currently accepting film submissions from student filmmakers for its annual spring youth cinema celebration. The free event will spotlight films produced by filmmakers 18 years old and younger. Through the exhibition of youth produced media, the event will provide young people a forum for creativity and freedom of expression. In the past, the Festival has welcomed notable celebrity chairs to host the event.

The event will be sponsored by Volcom, one of Orange County’s hottest action sports brands and maker of cutting edge surf, skate and snow clothing, accessories, Volcom Entertainment and Veeco Productions. As presenters of the showcase, Volcom will present filmmaker awards recognizing artistic excellence in filmmaking.

The competition is open to U.S. and international filmmakers 18 years and younger. Filmmakers can submit live action or animated short films of all genres, including drama, romance, comedy, documentary, action sports, experimental, musical and science fiction. Individual filmmakers, film groups or school classes may enter their films. Filmmakers can submit through www.withoutabox.com or by downloading an entry form on the Festival’s web site.

Deadline for entries is February 3, 2009.

The 2009 Newport Beach Film Festival will run April 23 through April 30, 2009 and will spotlight over 350 films from over 35 countries. Visit: www.NewportBeachFilmFest.com
for information.

nuke.Panel() screen position

Does anyone know if there’s a way to define where a panel created with nuke.Panel() will be drawn on the screen? I know it defaults to the mouse cursor’s position, but is there a way to override this?

I have a panel with buttons that can add or remove text input fields, etc., and since I don’t think you can do this dynamically, I basically have a catcher to see if the panel needs to be evaluated yet or simply redrawn with more (or fewer) parameters. However, every time it’s redrawn, it centers itself at the mouse cursor’s position, so it keeps moving around.

I looked into using some kind of cheat to get the mouse’s position right when the panel was drawn and then set it to the same thing right before it was drawn again, but there’s no easy (or python-native) way to do this, so that option is kind of out.

So I’m wondering if there’s a way to set a python panel to draw x pixels from screen-left and y from screen-top or something, or any other cheats/workarounds/etc.

Thanks a lot!

how to create smoke effect in combustion


im doing a telefilm with a handycam

i have a shot in that… A guy follows some smoky character….

suddenly that smoke changes into a human character….

i have a doubt in shooting it….

Should i shoot both persons at the same time or via seperate shots and use roto???

and moreover how to create that smoke effect in combustion????

or is there anyother softwares which are best to do this shot….

ur answers would be more helpfull….

how to create blood effect?????

hey guys

am a newbie combustion artist…. juz nw learning the basics in combustion….

but i had planned to shoot a movie (45 mins telefilm) using handycam

i need to create blood effect in a particular outdoor shootin footage…

but i dont know how to do it… could anyone tell me how to create blood effects in combustion?

orelse could anyone get me the tutorial link for that….

it would be much helpfull…

F5 Additions: 1st Ave Machine and Elan Lee


We’ve added two new speakers to the F5 lineup: 1st Avenue Machine and Elan Lee.

You probably know 1st Ave. from their numerous postings on Motionographer. Ever since they busted onto the scene with their distinctive blend of storytelling and high-end CG, they’ve been on everyone’s radar. Lately, they’ve expanded their operations to include new directorial voices and an even broader scope of projects.

Elan Lee is considered by many to be one of the foremost Alternate Reality Gaming designers in the world. He has been featured in WIRED magazine, The New York Times, Entertainment Weekly, and the Wall Street Journal for his ground-breaking ideas in entertainment and gaming.

Check out the full lineup of speakers on the F5 site. We’ve done our best to present a mix of top talent from across a range of related disciplines. The best artists aren’t easily pigeonholed; the same should be true for the best events.

Posted on Motionographer

F5 Additions: 1st Ave Machine and Elan Lee

Need help with “Automatic spider in Maya with set driven keys”

Need help to get Automatic spider in Maya with set driven keys i have found a tutorial but it is not that the best. here is the link to what i have found if the is a better one out the please let me know. Thanks