Greg Herman: More Chi 2.0


It’s been a long time coming, but Motionographer’s very own Greg Herman has finally relaunched his web presence, More Chi. It was totally worth the wait.

Greg is one of those rare creatures that does it all—and does it very well. He honed his animation and design skills as a member of the original Digital Kitchen NY team, but he’s also an artist in his own right. His loves of photography and painting can be seen in his work, and he’s developing his directorial voice with two short film projects that are currently in the works.

(Oh, and if you ever put him behind a drum set, prepare to have your ears melted off your head.)

Now stationed in the beautiful surroundings of Black Mountain, North Carolina, Greg is freelancing and dreaming big.

Posted on Motionographer

Greg Herman: More Chi 2.0

First work in HD –

i am elaborating a budget for a video work, and is the first time i´ll work in HD format. I have previously worked in dv formats or in still images of medium to hight resolution.

this time, i´ll have to comp some 3d water walls impacting on people and such things..
My question is, concerning my factible render times out of 3dsmax, if it is an usual practice to render at a slightly lower resolution. considering that digital generated image should be somehow crisper and supposing i could enlarge them at comping time in HD.

I hope this makes sense and waiting to know yor thoughts.
thanks in advance

Pftrack to nuke Camera features.

Hi , i just exported a sequence from pftrack to nuke but i cant figure out how to see the camera features on the 3d viewport to position my cards on the right place. Another thing, is there a way to snap to any of these features??

Universal Everthing, Maxim Zhestkov, Hi-Res + W&K : Nokia E71

Wieden & Kennedy and Hi-Res! commissioned Universal Everthing and Maxim Zhestkov to respond to the brief ‘Beautiful Connections’ for the launch of the Nokia e71 Smartphone. “We directed an operatic film which lends human characteristics to abstract forms …”

Resin : Fringe 09

Australian based Resin recently completed this spot for Adelaide Fringe festival 09. “Each year we are provided with a poster design and a no holds barred, open brief to write and produce a TV commercial to promote the festival. The 2009 spot has numerous layers to the story and features a diverse range of mixed […]

Horror Posters

Click here.


Click here to see the whole thing.

Slumdog Kudos for Hugh

Just saw "Slumdog Millionaire" tonight–loved it—
and noticed Hugh Macdonald listed as head compositor.

Channels and nuke



ok I thought I had the whole channels thing sorted…

I am guessing not…

Can any one point me in the direction of a good tutorial / explanation of channels in nuke in the area of creating and using these.

I know this sounds like a dumb simple question, but they seem to work in one instance and then in the same situation they will not.


I have a few people walking around, I have created a bezier for each as a garbage.

so I go ahead and create a new channel say called "guy01.garbage" from the bezier, place this after my IBK and all is good only the guy and his portion of the greenscreen is visible.

I go to work on the girl get my "girl01.garbage" place it after the new IBK for the girl and every thing disappears ???

this is killing me, I have moved on by using an "in " node and piping the bezier into that but it is not as elegant.

one other thing… is there a way to delete channels that the user has created???


Getting started on tight budget

:rolleyes: Living on So Shallow Security, I want to be sure I don’t invest in a lot in unnecessary software. All I have now is ViaCAD 2D/3D v5.0 and the crappy Paint program that comes with Windows Vista Home Basic. I have used SoftCAD 3D and a verrry early version of Truspace.

I have two projects in mind for which I shall need 3D animation, and perhaps mechanical simulation software.

First, I need to illustrate some concepts of my Fractal Foam Model of Universes. This involves animated 3D distortion grids superimposed on a random foam structure. The distortion is in the form of sheer waves and pressure waves. Actual simulation of this phenomenon probably requires megabucks worth of hardware and software; for now, I just want to illustrate what I think a simulation might reveal and post it on my future website. (I don’t have the web building software, yet, either.)

Second, I have some mechanical inventions that are best illustrated with animated CAD drawings. I would like to have software that warns of overlapping solids and excessive stress. Part hierarchies are of moderate importance to me.

Third, for fun stuff, I want good rendering, textures and ray tracing.

I appreciate your comments on what does and what does not contain the features I need, and how much they cost.