Onesize: The American Dollar “Anything You Synthesize”


Strap on your headphones before watching this entrancing music video from Dutch studio Onesize for The American Dollar’s “Anything You Synthesize.”

The star of the video isn’t the band (who make no appearances) or a scantily clad go-go dancer (although I wouldn’t have objected), but rather the landscape. Here’s a little more info from Onesize:

After listening to the song over and over, we came to the conclusion that the track felt like “landscape-music” to us.
Seasons, mountains, time-lapsed skies, day, night, drama, decay, cinematic, slow-paced, out of the ordinary… to name a few keywords.

We finally decided to build a looping landscape that would decay during the track. Very simple, but never the less a challenge to us, cos we simple never done such a thing before.

A simple camera movement traveling from left to right during the song, and while it travels we see the landscape decaying from a beautiful fresh mountain-view-landscape into a dead, flat desert.

Also, during this trip we would see all 4 seasons of one year go by, even day and night. So, it actually is a non-linear and a non-chronological time-lapse of a decaying landscape.


This approach speaks volumes about Onesize. Instead of thinking in terms of what they knew they were capable of doing or assessing what the latest software could achieve, they built up their concept in iterative cycles. Then—and only then—they figured out how to actually make it happen.

We had split-up the track in 9 pieces, equally in length. Each piece is one loopable landscape, panning from left to right. Then we also cut the song into 4 seasons and in addition, to make it more complex for ourselves, we also needed 3 smooth transitions from day into a short night.

After preparation we started the actual production. Because of the fact that this was a “personal” Onesize project, we had to work on this during our spare time and in between projects.

The idea was to add some live action (in-camera) effects, like rain, snow, lens flares, dust, etc. but we ended up with a fully CG production.

And it’s always a good idea to allow for a bit of serendipity:

After watching the final piece a couple of times by playing it in loops with the Quicktime player, we accidentially looped it backwards one day.

That was the moment we unanimously decide that we had to reverse the whole piece, starting with the flat dead desert evolving into a green mountain view.

Via Ventilate


The American Dollar

Kasper Verweij

Design & Animation:
Menno Fokma,
Harm van Zon,
Reinier Fleas,
Heerko Groefsema,
Kasper Verweij
Rogier Hendriks

Rogier Hendriks


Posted on Motionographer

Onesize: The American Dollar “Anything You Synthesize”

Sebastian Baptista : New site / reel

Barcelona based freelance motion designer Sebastian Baptista has updated his site with new works and reel.

The Manipulator

Click here to see the photography of Jill Greenberg.

More Earth Stood Still vfx

div xmlns= href= More Scientific Day the Earth Stood Still/a, at VFXWorld./p/div

Debut Reel


D.A.D.D.Y. Destroys Fairy Tale Classics For Bloc Party

For the second post of the day that chronicles man’s destructive tendencies (flames included), Dublin-based collective D.A.D.D.Y. directs this charming promo for Bloc Party. This light-hearted film sees some of our favorite fairy tales (animated by Ray Harryhausen) demolished and set to flames by a steamrolling army.

D.A.D.D.Y.: “We acquired a number of the [Harryhousen] fairy tale stories and re-edited them to the track, so we had a strange narrative set in this animated fairytale world. A place inhabited by all the classic characters from Little Miss Muffet to Red Riding Hood.Taking the re-edited vintage animations, we then reanimated over these beautiful old stop-motion films, adding some ‘reality,’ so they lost that innocent feeling and meaning they once had. We have no idea what Mr. Harryhausen will think if he sees them, but some of the new cartoon violence makes parts of the video darkly funny, which he might like.”

As “In Our Talons” documents the death of nature by the hands of man, this one may represent an end of tradition under the feet of modernity.

Posted on Motionographer

D.A.D.D.Y. Destroys Fairy Tale Classics For Bloc Party

Alan Poon Animates the Struggle Between Man and Nature

Take a few minutes out to be sucked in by Director Alan Poon’s music video for “In Our Talons” by the Bowerbirds. This beautiful track is complemented by a series of simply crafted and engaging stop-motion vignettes. They each follow the destruction of the lives of animals as man does so to their habitat. If you’re unfamiliar with Alan’s work, take a few minutes to check out some of his films. Many of them posses a similar charm in their simplicity.

Posted on Motionographer

Alan Poon Animates the Struggle Between Man and Nature

Sheena Duggal article

div xmlns= has an a href= on Sony Imageworks vfx supe Sheena Duggal./p/div

Jay-Z – Brooklyn Go Hard

L’artista americano Evan Roth, fondatore insieme a James Powderly del Graffiti Research Lab, che ha conseguito il master in analisi dei graffiti e illustrazione tipografica presso la Parsons The New School for Design, ha realizzato il nuovo video di Jay-Z, “Brooklyn Go Hard”.

Usando solo i caratteri tipografici della parola Brooklyn vengono visualizzati i volti dello stesso Jay-Z e dello scomparso The Notorious B.I.G..

A quanto pare si può andare sul sito di Evan Roth e rimaneggiare il video.

Articolo redatto da Sergio Damele