Freelance Animator wanted.

Post-production house located in Mexico is looking for freelance creature animator.

We’re going to start working on a big project for Corona, The project involves cg animals, crocodile, frog, heron and a "Tucan".

software: Maya.

If interested, please email with a link to showreel.

SIGGRAPH 2009 – Milano

Organizzato da ACM Siggraph Milano, l’evento sarà un momento di scambio e confronto con le eccelenze del panorama mondiale della computer graphic applicata al cinema, ai videogiochi, alla fotografia, alla multimedialità, all’architettura, all’urbanistica, alla scienza.

Si comincia alle 17:00 con un workshop che vedrà coinvolti importanti professionisti ed esperti del settore delle nuove tecnologie. Ospite internazionale Carlye Archibeque, Produttore Esecutivo del Siggraph Computer Animation Festival.

Alle 21:00 serata/evento con proiezione dei prodotti più spettacolari e innovativi presentati durante il Siggraph 2009 di New Orleans dello scorso agosto.

L’ingresso è libero, sino ad esaurimento posti.

Per iscrivervi mandate una mail all’indirizzo specificando nell’oggetto “Siggraph 2009″ o confermando la partecipazione all’evento sulla pagina Facebook dedicata

Clicca qui per vedere il video incorporato.

looking for wacom cintiq 21 or 12 to buy

please respond if your selling one.

District 9, How is this possible?


on the Foundry’s website, there is casestudy about District 9 .. and there is a shot in it.. ( attached)..

I just want to know how is this possible?

Is there any kind of tutorial regarding this teckniques?

as you the shadows and the size of the character is deferent..
is a clean plate used for that area and then CG character is replaced?

please help, im just so curious about that

thank u in advance

Attached Thumbnails

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freelance 3d modeler

blip is looking for a 3D modeller/animator on a freelance basis to work with us on a wide range of advertising projects for large scale LED screens.
You must be based in London and able to come and work with us at our studio in Soho as required. You will be working with other compositors and cg artists, as well as production managers and take creative direction.

key skills required:
– expert knowledge of of 3D modelling, scene building, lighting animation and rendering.
– able to tackle character and architectural modelling and animation as well as particles and fluids.

to apply, please email with CV, rate and a link to online showreel

freelance compositor VFX

blip is looking for a compositor on a freelance basis to work with us on a wide range of advertising projects for large scale LED screens.
You must be based in London and able to come and work with us at our studio in Soho as required. You will be working with other compositors and cg artists, as well as production managers and take creative direction.

key skills required:
– expert in using After Effects/Combustion Shake or Nuke for compositing and effects work
– 3d animation and life action workflows
– excellent eye for colour, lighting and composition

to apply, please email with CV, rate and a link to online showreel

Tim Bollinger: Between

Hot off the festival circuit, Tim Bollinger of Via Grafik recently shared his latest short “Between” with us. This dark, surreal piece travels through grounds and walls and into moments stuck in time. As Tim puts it, “It’s a journey through worlds of the subconscious, allowing us to catch sinister glimpses of the human psyche’s ambivalence.”

Despite the mix of techniques (stop-motion, still photos animation in 2.5D, 3D elements, etc) the film still possesses a consuming visceral and visual cohesion.

Wiesbaden represent.

Posted on Motionographer

2012 visual effects preview video

Beautiful stuff here. Some truly real-looking scenes.

Anyone spot the use of 3dsmax here! Who’d have thought it 🙂

Eyeball: Centric Network Branding

A really beautiful job by Eyeball on the branding of Centric Network. Check it here.

WIP desert shot

This is something I’m working on for a student project. The footage was shot on a green screen and the objective was to set the subject in a desert/wasteland setting.

Lemme know what you think.