Is this interactive video object manipulation interesting for VFX peeps?

My first reel

Hello all together

I’m new here and I’m also a rookie in compositing and 3d animation.
Any comments and critics will be warmly welcome.…

Thanks a lot in advance.

Contest – From Cool to Good

Siamo lieti di presentarvi una interessante iniziativa di cui siamo partner e membri della giuria, il video contest From Cool to Good, organizzato dal portale Ermes in parthership con la compagnia assicurativa Mondial Assistance. L’idea nasce dal bisogno/dovere di sensibilizzare il pubblico sui principi del turismo sostenibile e responsabile, sperimentando le moderne tecniche di comunicazione della tecnologia interattiva e del web 2.0.

Ecco il Video Brief

Credits Video:
Motion graphics design by Monkey Talkie Creative Company

Il fulcro della Campagna è rappresentato dal Contest Video: gli utenti sono invitati a partecipare producendo video ispirati ai principi espressi nel “Vademecum del Turista Responsabile”.

Potranno essere iscritti al concorso prodotti elaborati in video, animazione grafica o un mix delle due. I video verranno raccolti tramite la sezione dedicata al contest From Cool to Good e diffusi attraverso molteplici canali di distribuzione: social network, web tv e canali satellitari.

I migliori, valutati da una giuria di esperti e direttamente dal pubblico web, consentiranno agli autori di partecipare ad esperienze di turismo consapevole.

Questi i premi in palio:

Premio della Giuria. Una giuria composta da esperti del settore assegnerà il primo premio di 3.000 € al contributo che meglio rappresenterà la tematica della campagna sociale.

Premio del pubblico. I video con più voti dagli utenti vinceranno bonus viaggi. Marocco, Australia e weekend in strutture sostenibili.

Un premio speciale verrà inoltre assegnato da Mondial Assistance al contributo che verrà maggiormente votato dai dipendenti della società stessa. Il premio consiste in un polizza assicurativa.

Ovviamente consigliamo di partecipare numerosi, non solo per la qualità di questo contest ma anche perchè ne facciamo parte, spero per voi sinonimo di qualità.

From Cool to Good - Video Contest

From Cool to Good – Video Contest

MC Maya 2 Nuke video question

Hi all,
Ok, I’m VERY new to 3D comping, so forgive me if I sound like an idiot.
I was watching the MC maya to nuke video on the foundry’s website, and I have a question about it. In the video, it shows a building being projected onto a model. It also shows A LOT of steps that was needed to created a very suttle dolly in move.
So my question is this:
Why couldn’t he roto out the building via bezier, place it on a card, move it into Z space, and work out the rest from there? It seems like a lot of calculations & modeling that is needed to create a vey small parallax change. Not to mention, trying to align the projection on the model.
What am I not getting? Why is the projection used a lot instead of cards in z space?
Just a thought,

How to 3D comp..accurately?

Hi all,
I am vey new to 3D comping, for example:
Taking an image and creating a dolly in/parallax move.

I have an image of a house. I broke the image up into 3 sections via Bezier. Street (foreground) House (midground) and backyard (background. I separated them in Z space.

I created some trees and placed them in front of and behind the house. (Z SPACE) I then added a camera and pushed in.

Great, looks good, However, my question is this:
How do you know if mathimatically, the parallax is correct?
For example, If I separate(distance) the foreground trees from the house, 2x, 3 times,4 times, I will get a greater parallax. So which is correct? How do I know if all of my images on CARDS, are at the right distance so they move accurate?

Am I making any sense?

Texturing problems!!!


I’m still having problems seeing my textures in the viewport!!!

I have tried saving my texture map to a really low quality as a friend told me the texture might be too big but I can still only see the texture when I render it out.

I have tried switching from defult to High qulity rendering but maya won’t allow me and says that my graphics card doesn’t support it which I don’t understand as I have used this same computer for texturing countless of times and have never had a problem till now.:confused:

please help!!!

Sarah x

Stabliize,Paint, unstablize…Question

Ok, I have a question that has been driving me nuts for weeks.
Its the old….stabilize,paint unstablize trick.

From what I understand, one technique would be:
Stablize a moving shot, do your wire removal or paint, and then put back the motion.
Ok, So you would…track the shot, (now you have "tracking data")
then use the "tracking data" and reverse or stabilize the shot.
Now the shot is "stable" and now you (for example) paint a patch of grass to cover up the wire .
Then you unstablize and well-la…a perfect wire removal.

So here is my question:
What’s the difference between doing it that way .OR…applying the "tracking data" you got when tracking, and apply it to the grass patch?

I don’t understand the difference?
Thank you,

Environment lookup with normal pass

Hey Guys,

i want to map some reflections in nuke and all i have is a normal pass. How can i map a spherical environment to my objects like i would do with a envSphere in Maya?

Thx in advance

Roto Artists needed for MTV Music Video

Looking for roto artists immediately for small budget music video, please contact me if your interested. You can work from home. There is little pay, unless you can knock out 45 shots in three days… hah


toxik2010 for mac

who use now?