How to 3D comp..accurately?

Hi all,
I am vey new to 3D comping, for example:
Taking an image and creating a dolly in/parallax move.

I have an image of a house. I broke the image up into 3 sections via Bezier. Street (foreground) House (midground) and backyard (background. I separated them in Z space.

I created some trees and placed them in front of and behind the house. (Z SPACE) I then added a camera and pushed in.

Great, looks good, However, my question is this:
How do you know if mathimatically, the parallax is correct?
For example, If I separate(distance) the foreground trees from the house, 2x, 3 times,4 times, I will get a greater parallax. So which is correct? How do I know if all of my images on CARDS, are at the right distance so they move accurate?

Am I making any sense?

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