3d sterioscopic content
Posted in: The Padyou guys know where i can find 3d content on the web???
things like trailers , short films etc….
until now the only nice thing I’ve found its the Scion Machine short film on sway studio website…
and other ones i found dont have any quality at all.. and i would like to see some 720p or 1080p 3d stuff..!!!!!!:D:D:D
Lighting TD
Posted in: Demo Reels!Feedback is appreciated, Thanks
here is a short film IM writing, directing and producing. lots of FX and high end equipment to make this.
let me know what you think.still a WIP but a good point to get some feedback
thanks guys
I just did a rough editing in fcp, and I wanted to export my edit from fcp to nuke.
the problem is nuke never give me right aspect ratio (dvcpro hd 50 720p 50p, 960*720 @ 1.3333) from the exported file from fcp (yep, I can use reformat node, however, the image won’t be correct and it will lose some quality)
so an edl file is needed or some thing else for the lossless work flow.
another problem is I never succeeded exporting edl file from fcp, the button just unavailable, but I got a xml finally.
it is kindly gave me all I need, like the source file name, in out points, even by frame number rather than time code.
so how to use nuke to read this xml, it’s not currently possible, I found a edl article in this forum , but it’s not useful for me.
it must could easily be done with some scripting.
the question specially on how to export rough editing from editing software?
i wish i can edit losslessly.
why nuke read exported dvcprohd 50 file as 1280*720@1.333,it should be 960* 720*1.333, then should use reformat to change to 1280*720@1,suqare pixel? a bug?
Roto question…
Posted in: Beginners TalkIf so.. what about shots that have so much motion blur… It is possible to rotoscope to a certain extent and then experiment with the feather..If you are not allowed to touch the feather settings it would be hard to deal with motion blur shots wouldnt it.. How exactly does this process work??
Rendering lens distortion
Posted in: MayaUsing Maya 2009 on a Mac.
Thanks for reading!
rahul showreel 2010
Posted in: Demo Reels!I just finished editing my reel and would like to hear some C&C.