Concept Art / Speedpaints

Hi there 🙂
First post here.

I would like to share a couple of images I’ve done.
Any comments are greatly appreciated!

Hope you like them;
Cheers guys,

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Kirsten Lepore: Sweet Dreams

Kirsten Lepore è un’animatrice laureatasi al Maryland Institute College of Art nel 2007.
Sweet Dreams
è la sua tesi: un corto animato di quasi 10 minuti realizzato con la tecnica a passo uno.
Prodotto quasi interamente con cibo vero, racconta la storia di un pasticcino alla ricerca di qualcosa di più oltre al suo mondo di grattacieli fatti di zollette di zucchero e amici al glucosio.

Costruzione Set

Articolo redatto da Sergio Damele

New “Eco Family” Stock Footage Shot with RED One Camera released today forty-two new and original royalty free stock footage clips, shot with the RED One camera, called "Eco Family." The clips feature a green, eco and evironmentally-friendly theme, showing a modern family (Mom, Dad, Daughter and Son) doing green eco-friendly activities at home. Each clip is available for purchase as an individual download or multiple clips can be purchase for a volume discount. Each clips is available as an Apple ProRes 1080p and/or Redcode 3k RAW file. Pricing is $399 for 1080p file and $499 for 3k RAW file. To view the "Eco Family" stock footage collection visit the following links:

View RED One "Eco Family" Single Clips Here

View RED One "Eco Family" Value Collection Here

The "Eco Family" RED One stock footage clips feature high-end production value and attractive on-camera talent. Each clip shows a family doing green activities like recycling, replacing light bulbs, drinking tap water and composting — and many other eco-friendly activities. Many of the clips are over-cranked and include a fluid dolly move, adding to the commercial-grade high production-value feel. The clips can be mixed and matched to help in editing a sequence and to help visually support the storytelling in a video, broadcast, interactive and/or multimedia project. will soon be releasing other commercial-grade lifestyle stock footage clips and collections as well, shot with the RED One camera. Future collections will also include high-end production value, art direction and atttractive talent to include education, fitness, Seattle skyline, soliders, economy and others.

The "Eco Family" collection includes forty-two RED One stock footage clips featuring a modern family living an eco-friendly lifestyle. The clips are a perfect way to communicate "green" when producing a broadcast, advertising or corporate video or media project. Pricing is $399 for 1080p file and $499 for 3k RAW file.

To view the "Eco Family" stock footage collection visit the following links:

View RED One "Eco Family" Single Clips Here

View RED One "Eco Family" Value Collection Here

About offers stunning high-production value and commercial-grade HD stock footage, video backgrounds and motion graphics. is a leader in lifestyle and cinematic RED One stock footage. Sign up for a free membership and download free HD stock footage, video backgrounds and motion graphics.

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CG integrated in real (with reflection/refraction)


I used about 80 pics and turned them into one 360° pic of the environment. I used mental rays production shaders.

Tell me, what you think about this

Keyframe Offsets

I wanted to know if polylines or bsplines had a keyframe offset such as Combustion or Silhouette. In Combustion you turn off the animate tab to offset spline points. In Silhouette you turn on the multiframe tool and move a point to offset the point across the timeline. Does Fusion have some type of per point offset?

How to slowdown the random??

:twisted:anyone met the problem?
I use random(t) to control the gain parameter of Grade,so it changes every frame.

How to step it?
I just want to get a random parameter every 3/4frame,not every frame:(:mad::twisted:

I have used Genarts->Sapphire Time-> S-Flicker to got it!! It works well🙂

my demoreel 2009

guys, this is my demoreel, pls check it out..
comments are very welcome..


tnx..hope ul enjoy

Matchmoving allowed in Houdini apprentice?

Hey guys, just wanting to know if its possible to use matchmoving software with houdini apprentice to make a demo reel? Do I have to have the full version in order to use a seperate matchmoving software such as PFTrack, Syntheyes, or Voodoo? Thank you in advance!


Bump map problem

I’m having trouble applying bump maps to some 3D text
I’m working on. It’s happening in both Max 9 and Max 2009.
Basically, when i apply a bitmap to the bump map, it comes out
pixelated. The texture image I’m using is very high res, so that
couldn’t be it. If I apply the same image to the diffuse map it
comes out fine. I attached a sample of what it’s doing.
Any ideas?


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Click image for larger version

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ID:	7434

tab works with custom toolbar but not custom menu

Title says it all really. What am I doing wrong in my that using the tab key works for gizmos that are seen in a custom toolbar but it doesn’t work for the same gizmos in a custom menu???



Edit: hmm, maybe it’s a bug?