Ingredients of demoreel (reciepe)

Hi 2 all vfxtalkians:) i am Annkur frm New Delhi, India. my course is on da verge of completing nd i aspire to be a compositor in near future.Need some guidance. So my question 2 u all is:
What should be ingredients of a compositor’s showreel as a fresher? What industry people see to judge a compositor’s showreel?
Hope 2 recieve reply frm you all very soon:) Take care

Need some help.

Hallo, everybody. I’m quite new to Fusion and have a very few experience in working with interlaced footage. I have this problem: If I load an interlaced footage into Fusion (Tiff seqence in PAL), I set right Processing mode in loader’s controls and I try to make preview from loader making either flipbook or avi file saved to disc. In both cases there’s some problem with fields – preview is shaking in flipbook or particular fieldlines are visible in generated avi. What do I make wrong?

Thank you for advice.


Proper way of shooting an HDRI globe

I have a relatively simple question, but it’s something I still can’t quite figure out since I’m somewhat new to the process. I’ve used a chrome ball before to gather reflection/light information for a video shot on the HVX-200 cam. I understand that the proper way of doing this is by gathering multiple exposures from two different angles (90 degrees apart).

However, because of the way the HVX was set up, the color information recorded differed quite a bit from, say, a Nikon picture I would have gotten by shooting it the proper way. So, I instead shot the globe with the HVX, and used a still frame to get the data (this also saved a ton of time). Obviously it was imported into my application quite dark as it wasn’t HDR, but by raising the levels on it, I managed to get a very good result that matched both lighting and reflections shot in the scene.

Now I realize I’m doing it the wrong way, but it seems to work. I would like to know why most people don’t just shoot the chrome balls in camera? Is this something only done on film, or is it just completely avoided altogether?

Syndrome Studio : New Balance ~ Candy Collection

The always impressive Syndrome Studio updated with several new projects including this spot for New Balance : Candy Collection.

Adrian Lawrence : new site and work

Adrian Lawrence updated his site with plenty of great new motion work and boards.

bluevertigo : updates

Blue Vertigo has updated its fourth annual focus on Argentinian Motion Graphics. Great resource for inspiration.

Poll: In these troubled times…

Photo by Nature Explorer

Back in November, we asked Motionographer readers how they were doing financially. At that point in time, pieces of the sky had already started falling, but the full economic Armageddon hadn’t hit everywhere yet.

Our poll results were mixed, but mostly positive. 67% of the 5,134 voters were either maintaining the status quo or doing better than ever. 22% were making less money, and 14% (or 720 people) had been laid off and/or couldn’t find work.

As promised, I want to revisit the poll now, just to see what’s changed. This is far from scientific, but it might give us some indicator of a shift. We’ll keep re-posting this poll every four months or so. Please post your personal experiences in the comments. It’s good for people to hear the stories (both good and bad) behind the numbers.

Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post’s poll.

Posted on Motionographer

Poll: In these troubled times…

Newbie to Shake needing Mac & raid advice

I am still new to FCP but want to get Shake due to it’s low cost and don’t care it’s no longer being developed. I could buy the new MacPro but prefer to be mobile and have looked at a 15" MacbookPro with maxed ram and CPU. I also found a Magma PCIe expansion chassis that connects into the MBP’s express34 slot, which I can laod a raid card with a mini-SAS connection to a 4 drive ProAVIO raid and get nearly 350MBs.

My main questions are how does ProRes HQ fare against uncompressed, do I have to get an 8 core, is 4MB of ram fine, and how many layers are typical per real time edit (to help me figure how fast a raid I need). Thank you! Peter

New Spot: Not for Sale

CRASH+SUES created a spellbinding 60-second spot informing viewers that slavery still exists

R&D Animator – XSI

A widely-acclaimed post-production house, based in London, is currently looking for an R&D Animator to help them develop a flocking system for a commercial. You will be working in XSI and must be available immediately.

closes: 8 May 2009