flying ship

This is my personal work.used vue with LW. Hope you like it.

New Motion Graphic reel

here’s my new website:

There is my new motion graphic reel, crtics & comments are welcome.
I’m currently working on my VFX/roto reel with some personal footage (really low quality 🙁 ), once finished I’ll upload it.


unifying path to files on different OS

Hi guys, I’m new to Nuke, my studio is in the process of switching from Digital Fusion to Nuke as a main comp app as we speak. One of the first problems I have stumbled upon is the path to graphic files. We have 3 different environments for Nuke

– Windows XP for 50% of the job, running alongside other programs for 3d trackig etc
– Linux for some hardcore high def comp jobs, Nuke on linux works smother and faster, can digest more ram

– on Mac, since we use FinalCutPro in our workflow we got few Macs I want to run Nuke on.

All 3 Operating Systems got diferent path to our file server. Is there a way to work in some kind of filepath relative to your project directory tree instead of full absolute path.
It was working great in Fusion, but I have no idea how to achive it in Nuke

Thanks in advance

Laurie Thinot for Autokratz


Laurie Thinot of Partizan Lab, directs this energetic music video for Autokratz. This is the kind of visual storytelling I am envious of. Laurie keeps up with the frenetic beats of Autokratz while exhibiting a pure joy for her visual forms. This mix of overhead projector style illustration, info-graphics and odd story line make for an interesting video.

Posted on Motionographer

Laurie Thinot for Autokratz

First try at motion tracking


Hey Everyone
I thought i would post this as it is my first try at motion tracking and i am looking for some feedback & criticism. I am a beginner to the 3d world but have been learning after effects for over a year. Andrew Kramers crater tutorial was a huge help and i used it as a base for this test.

Please take the time to post a reply as i am a high school student and would like to pursue a career in VFX and really appreciate feedback, advice, suggestions etc……e=channel_page

BouJou4 UI problem

First post here. Apologies if this is placed in the wrong section.

Using Boujou 4 on an NT system.

I cannot get my Zoom flyout to return in the interface. This is normally docked in the right hand panel, with overlays and model. The tab no longer exists for it.

I had this panel as a floater, which was on the second monitor. I closed it and now cannot make it return.

I’ve searched the entire desktop to see if it was possibly hidden beneath something. (yeah I know,. like as if it hid itself beneath an icon)

Right clicking on a blank panel area and turning ‘zoom’ back on does nothing.
Going to View>panes> and turning on zoom does nothing.
The software was uninstalled and it’s folders removed. It was then reinstalled and the old configuration remained.

I cannot locate the folder/files(s) that contains the general default settings for the program. There is definitely a folder on the drives somewhere which stores history or recent files accessed as I see these listed in the File dropdown after a fresh install.

I’ve read in relase notes that there is something buggy with the toolboxs becoming hidden. Of course I find no info on resettting the UI to unhide them.

Your help would be greatly appreciatted.

VFX Software

Hello! 🙂

I have been working with effects for about a year and a half now, and I have some few questions!

First: I have been working with After Effects since i started working with VFX, and have read a lot about it and have noticed that After Effects is not anything compared to the programs the big film company uses. Witch software should i focus on? What is important to learn first and so on? That would help me a step closer to my goal!

I’ve also just started learning Houdini, is that a good software?
I’m trying to learn how to create effects as seen in Harry Potter.

Any tips or Ideas?

(sorry for some English mistakes)

Valkyrie vfx

div xmlns= href= Achieving Digital Minimalism/a, at VFXWorld./p/div

Terminator Eye Effect

Hi. I’m a beginner in things around Vfx…

This is my first try on cutting away the surface of an object.
The Objecttracking was done in SynthEyes.

Please tell me, what you would do better.

how speedy u are for compositing?

Guys, I want to know how many shot per day for easy, medium and hard task of compositing.