Prime Focus works on extensive VFX and DI for 28 Weeks Later

VFX Major Prime Focus has completed work on its first Hollywood Project, 28 Weeks Later which released on 11th May across theatres in North America.

The Cell creates promo for Studio 18

VFX 2008-12-29 06:04:02

Interview with FX Labs CEO Tony Garcia

“The characters and environments in the Dhoom game have been defined already and thanks to that we are able to have a more focused development cycle”

Exporting from Real Flow To Houdini 9

Hi All,
I was jus wondering if it’s possible to import a fluid simulation created in Real flow to Houdini. If so can someone help me and please let me know wht kind of file formats are supported to import an animation into Houdini.
Thanks a lot.:niceone:

Xmas Bond(ing)

Here is a little seasonal clip i put together..

2 new mattes

Here are my latest mattes. The first is of the Roman Coliseum. I hope that the main focus is on the coliseum and not an image of Roman ruins in general. At the moment I’m not sure if the other buildings compete too much with the Coliseum.

This is another personal piece for practice. I tried for a foreshadowing theme with incoming rain-clouds.

All comments and crits are welcome.

Plan B Super Future Promo

Danny Way and Ryan Scheckler going HUGE in these teasers for the new Plan B video Super Future.

Click here to watch it.

photoshop speed painting ( teen model )

i have been trying very hard to increase my artistic ability. I’m originally a 3d modeler but in order to improve my overall creativity I have been painting in photoshop. This is my latest speed paining that i have uploaded to youtube. The actual painting itself will begin about 30 seconds into the 3 minute clip. please enjoy, and let me know what all of you think

Why rotoscope with splines instead of painting?

I’ve been wondering, why go through the painful process of rotoscoping with splines? You have to check so many points and if there is a semi-transparent area it’s getting even more tedious.

Why not just open the image sequence in Photoshop and paint the mask in, frame by frame? You can copy the old mask and change the areas that have changed, so you save time. Semi-transparent areas are also easier to paint then to match with splines… or maybe I’m wrong here.

Or is there an important point in using splines that I’ve missed?