Chris Brown: I Can Transform Ya

Di Chris Brown anche i media italiani ne hanno parlato per motivi non certo musicali, qui invece ci occupiamo del suo nuovo video, I Can Transform Ya, diretto dal regista Joseph Kahn. Questi si è ispirato ai film della saga Transformers per la realizzazione del filmato, usando l’effetto bullet time a piccole dosi e con il cantante e ballerini in versione guerrieri ninja. E’ tutto molto tecnologico ma non patinato, insomma da graffitaro. Effetti visivi realizzati dallo studio californiano Ingenuity Engine.

Joseph Kahn : director
HIS : production company
Christopher Probst : DP
Ingenuity Engine : vfx

Articolo redatto da Sergio Damele

tracking and scaling

i want to track a square sign (& change the text there).
the camera zooms into it & out, back & forward.
the sign color is cream.
the background is white.
the tracker track a few frames good & then fails…on & on…
how to overcome this?

The launch of 7Two.

> Quicktime H.264
> iPod Compatible
> Watch in Flash
(49mb progressive)

It’s been a big year for free-to-air TV in Australia. We saw the launch of ONE in March, followed by Go! in August, and today we welcome 7TWO.

Seven’s new channel promises to be the least niche-y of the new digital multichannels, which unlike youthful Go! and sporty ONE don’t seem to be actively appealing to a specific audience.

And the channel launches aren’t over yet with the long awaited launch of ABC3 on December 4th still to come.

Catch the first 6 minutes of the new 7TWO in the video above, should give you a good feel of what its all about.

Pixar VS CollegeHumor

motion graphics showreel

Have a look at my new motion graphics show reel-2009. All work has been done under my own direction.

comments & critics will be warmly welcome.

Visual Effects and the Test of Time

Hello! I’m posting a link to the thesis I wrote about visual effects. It’s quite long, so I have no expectations of people reading all of it. But if you have some free time and want to read some effects theory and history, go for it!

Click here to read it! It’s a 2mb PDF.

My thesis discusses why certain visual effects films stand the test of time, while others do not. Some films’ effects become outdated very quickly, even within a year, regardless of how critically and popularly acclaimed they were upon their release. Yet others, like Jurassic Park, remain effective over a decade later. I analyzed 10 films, covering both "good" and "bad" effects films, as well as a wide variety of different types of effects films : Jurassic Park, Forrest Gump, The Day After Tomorrow, Transformers, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Brokeback Mountain, The Bucket List, Children of Men, and War of the Worlds. Through my analysis, I discuss the importance of matchmoving, compositing, controlled scale of effects, as well as the role of cinematography in visual effects, and most importantly, the critical role of story.

The thesis also includes a short history of special and visual effects, including the all-important Digital Revolution of effects films.

2009 reel

Here is my grad reel. Would love any and all feedback. I realize it’s a mix between different fields, I’m looking for critiques on the work itself.

Thanks everyone!

Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

Name:	vfx and motion graphics reel 2009-poster.jpg
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ID:	8534

Roto – Silhouette Vs …

this seems to say that silhouette is the number one for roto. I’m a noob so i just assumed that comp software had all the capability to do this, so figured i’d just learn nuke and do roto with it.

So say you used nuke or fusion or whatever, would you say that you’d STILL go elsewhere to roto? and if so is silhouette the likely candidate?


Defocus by Convolve

Hi guys. I have been working on a defocus for Nuke based on Enricohman’s Shake thread on this forum, mixed in with the original Shake bokeh defocus shapes. (But with cool halo artifacts and chromatic aberation sans the mentioned Enricohman thread). It looks kickass.

But my main concern is a lack of an ability to pump in a seperate channel to multiply over the effect (Ie a masking layer over the A input). At the moment – I am doing several convolves of descending bokeh size and blurring the alpha mask, then dividing the convolves into areas based on the luminance of the mask. This is a less than ideal solution – it works – but only on smaller convolves – It loses it on larger ones.

I’ve seen Hugo’s posts on the subject – and I think I may be out of luck with hoping for an ability to pump in an alpha matte within the nuke interface… But I was wondering if anyone had the convolve math. Or a better workaround than the one I’m currently implementing.

I’m not really expecting Chuck Norris to descend from heaven (Angels playing harps) and deliver the perfect solution. (The odds of that happening are about as high as Apple releasing Phenomonon).
But some discussion on the subject might be nice.

Laptop for the down times.


I’m looking to get a cheap laptop (under £400) for use at home when I come back from university. Can’t lug home the desktop ever 6 weeks!

Anyhow i don’t expect it to be the best thing in the world or anywhere close to it but i just need something that’ll let me do basic Maya/Nuke/Sillhouette and maybe a tiny bit of photoshop. Generally things in the CG field.

Can anyone recommend anything for me or will they all be equally as good (bad) at this range?
