I can Transform Ya – Music Video

Ingenuity engine created a futuristic new music video, VFX-intensive and hyper-stylized world for the video

Making of the Rider

Artist created a motorbike racing accident scene in Maya for the CGArena challenge and won the first prize

Init.py for all Users


Where do I put my init.py to be access by all users?
I have a directory with all my settings (gizmos, python, menu.py) on the network. I set my init.py to go check in that directory. Everything work fine for me. If I want the others users to get my gizmos… I tell them to copy my init.py in their directory (.nuke). Is there somewhere else I could put it so they don’t have to copy it?
And I also would like not to bother everyone if I change a python script and it’s not working, so that I could test my script before giving it to everybody. How could I do it?
Thanks for your help

Painting out the alpha???

For a while ive hear these sentences "paint out the alpha"..Im a noob..i know the basic stuff like using Reveal and clone in paint, and basic rotoscoping… But where will this paint out the alpha thing be used…Will it be used in both roto and wire removal..If so how and why??

thanks in advance…

My God, It’s Full of Stars


It’s Thursday. You probably need a little pick-me-up to get through the week. How about this epic polychromatic music video that Buck has just directed for the Bravery?! Featuring geodesic spheres, tetrahedral pyramids and more lens flares than you can possibly comprehend, it’s sure to fix your late afternoon need for glowing, rainbow-filled sci-fi psychedelia.

Q&A with Buck and Credits:

Posted on Motionographer

ventilate 2009-11-11 22:14:13

Mike recently informed me that the crew over at Spin Productions recently completed a new spot for TVO acknowledging Remembrance Day.
Enjoy and Remember.

Smilefaucet Screening/Release Party

If you’re in NYC next week, check out the DVD release party and screening for the 9th edition of Smilefaucet. There will be only one more ever so don’t miss it!

Fontana’s @ 105 Eldridge St. Between Broome & Grand
Wednesday, November 18th @ 7pm — Screenings @ 8:30pm & 10:00pm
$2 @ door

RSVP: info@smilefaucet.com

Posted on Motionographer

Nespresso. What else?

TV spot featuring George Clooney & John Malkovich in heaven for the Nespresso. What else? campaign by McCann Paris.

The Lazy Dog

Promo video for The Lazy Dog’s six year anniversary exhibition ‘THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG’, based in Paris, showing until Nov.25

Matthew Donaldson : Folk Clothing AW09

Promo video for Folk Clothing’s AW09 collection. Produced by acclaimed photographer Matthew Donaldson using a Phantom HD camera, capturing up to 1500 fps … allowing Matthew to capture the collection in full detail.
Exclusive music by Zero 7