EXR renders from Maya 2009 error on and off in Nuke

For some reason some of my exrs out of a batch will error "unexpected tile x coordinate" this is sporadic through one particular render. The file size is exactly like the others is there a way to fix the error?

when I view them they have no visual content… no alpha nothing but haven a file size around 8mb. tried opening with other software have same issue. It has been happening to allot of my renders recently…any ideas?
Thanks !

Attached Files
File Type: zip Camera15_088.exr.zip (4.43 MB)

How to find out if a channel is empty with python ?

i am working on some images sequences with python.
And i got a problem with some frames where the alpha channel is black.
I would like to create a function in python to test if the alpha channel is totally empty… Return true if yes and false is not.
It’s sound simple, but i didnt found any way to access to the channels datas from python.

Please drop me a line if you have an idea…

I know it’s possible to do it with some c++, by accessing the buffer. By i dont know either how to do it.:confused:


VFX403 – Third place – Popeye Media

VFX403- Create a crowd for an epic movie – Third place

Tips for shooting scene with explosion on-set

Hi guys,

we are shooting a scene where an explosion will be enhanced/added in post. The scene is outside, probably in a cafe or restaurant that have tables outside. Can you give me some tips on what to do and what not to do. :confused:

Thanks in advance, really appreciate it 😮

Exporting Masks from Pftrack

Any way to export mask from pf track or save the masks.
Any Help would be greatly appreciated.

Gettysburg Address

Once in awhile, a piece comes along that speaks to you in so many different ways that you just want to listen, afraid that any written response will not adequately capture your sentiments.  Personally, this is one of those times, so this will be a quick writeup…

Adam Gault and Stephanie Augustine continue their string of successes with another amazing personal project, Gettysburg Address – easily my favorite work of the year.

Along with an evocative reading by Mitch Rapoport and deeply layered sound design of Chris Villepigue, this subtly powerful illustration of Lincoln’s famous speech portrays a smooth ebb and flow between rich metaphors; each composition aptly reflecting a historical attitude as well as the content’s transcendence – one easily appropriated to the strife that exists in many areas of our current society as much as it did in 1863.

Motionographer Author Simon Robson recently caught up with Adam, who was kind enough to elaborate on the work:

“I’m glad you like the Gettysburg project.  We’ve been plugging away at the piece for some time, so it’s nice to finally have it wrapped up and out there.

Words…  Well, the irony is that when we decided to attempt this project it didnt really occur to us that the Gettysburg Address is one of the great speeches of all-time.  It’s words… carefully chosen words that work really well on their own.  The speech doesnt really need pictures.  But once we started brainstorming we were determined come up with imagery that would compliment the words.  We wanted to use simple and subtle metaphors that would give the speech context and create evocative compositions without trying to add meaning.  Hopefully we’ve done the writing some justice.

The actual production process was pretty fluid, as these personal pieces tend to be.  The assets are a mixture of photographs, hand painted elements, and digital illustrations.  All of the animation was done in After Effects.

One of the challenges with the animation was to keep the motion interesting despite its slow pace.  To combat dullness, we tried to keep things moving at all times, whether it was the textures inside the lines, or the drifting of the camera.   We also setup the overall structure to move back and forth between light and dark compositions, and tried to make the transitions between the sections as surprising as possible.

The approach for the sound design was similar to the picture.  The voice recording needed to be the main focus, with everything else complimenting it.  I think Chris did an excellent job of getting it “just right”.  His effects are subtle but still moving.  They set the mood without demanding too much attention.  The clinking of the rope on the flagpole at the end is so lonely and sad.  It’s just perfect.”

Read by Mitch Rapoport.
A collaboration with Stefanie Augustine.
Sound design by Chris Villepigue | songloft.com.
Design and Animation help from Carlo Vega.

Thanks to Simon Robson for the legwork and to Bran Dougherty-Johnson for the tip!

Posted on Motionographer

productivity fixes for 2011 with MEL hacks?

Hi Guys

I tried finding these on my own but have come up short. Hope you can help because these things slow me down so much.

In Maya 2011 I need to change some defaults.

1) When I load or source a script in script editor it defaults to python. I want the file browser dialog to default to MEL. I think this in in the scriptEditorPanel.mel but I can’t find where. I also want importing and exporting to default to obj and saving files from the render view to IFF.

2) When I go to save a file, the file name area is blank (I’m using my OS X file browser not the autodesk file browser). this never happened on Mac in previous maya versions and only happened in windows. Is there a MEL file that I can edit to force it to use the existing file name by default (or the next sequential number i.e. from 001 to 002) when the file browser dialog opens?

3) Is there a way to make the color chooser default to the old popup window instead of the dynamic popup that vanishes when the cursor moves away from it? you have to quickly double click the color box in the att editor to get this window now.

4) When moving components (ie verts, faces) is there a way to make it auto move on the first click? In previous maya versions I could click on the component and start dragging to move it. In 2011 I have to select the component and then click again to drag it. Big time waster when modeling and tweaking.

5) I hope to god we can do this. In 2011 "Assign New Material" does NOT have a contextual menu anymore. Instead it forces you to use a popup window to choose a new shader to create. This is so damn slow. Is there a way to force maya to have the context menu in the Lighting/Shading menu and in the hotbox like it used to have?



Lost Boys Learning welcomes Visiting Artist Ken Meyer

Students at Lost Boys Learning: School of Visual Effects participated in a Sculpey Maquette workshop hosted by visiting Vancouver-based artist Ken Meyer in late September.

An opportunity for the students to get off their computers, and create a handmade, tangible art object, the Sculpey Workshop also teaches character preparation and design as it relates to the animation and visual effects pipelines.

In preparation, the students researched character design and prepared orthographic (side, front, top) sketches to scale. Depending on their personal interest, busts were created in various styles, influenced by animation and games (The Hulk, Iron Giant, Family Guy, Super Mario), science fiction (Star Wars and original creatures) and fantasy (ceremonial mask design).

During the workshop, armatures were made of wire and mesh and attached to the wooden bases. Basic shape modeling follows the drawing then finer details are layered in or embedded using a variety of carving tools. Ken discussed the uses and history of maquettes, showed his personal sculptures and assisted the students with their designs and basic modeling. Over the next few weeks more details and final smoothing will be completed, then baking and either glazing or painting.

Along with Instructor Mark Benard and Production Manager Ria Ambrose, participating students included Grant Robertson, Subodh Singh, Ganz Ramalingam, Kishor Joshi and Gabriel Lozano from Class 7, and Jason Tranetzki, Gregory Watkins, Marcelo Bassoli, Gustavo Kasai, Miguel Ponce, Carlos Guzman and Michael Balzer from Class 8.

Ken Meyer is a freelance Animator, Director and Visual Effects Artist and he is currently creating an animated short series. He founded both Jackrabbit Pictures and the Caffeine Collective in 2004. Ken lives and works in Vancouver where he collaborates with international artists, directors, agencies and studios to create digital imagery for film, television, and the gaming industry.

Lost Boys Learning offers an accredited one-year visual effects program using project-based learning, on Vancouver Island, BC, Canada. More information is available at www.lostboys-learning.com.

Import an FBX object(Model) but how to combine texture with it?

hi i am a junior compositor using fusion and AE..
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2D Supervisor – Contract Position

Prime Focus Vancouver is seeking a 2D Supervisor for a 7-8 month contract. B.C / local residents are preferred. Candidates will have experience with features, Nuke and stereoscopic pipeline. Please send your CV and reel to roula.lainas@primefocusworld.com