Hi everybody,
I need your advice and your POV for a coming work.
The effect that we will produce is kind of a fast back dolly from an extreme CU to a wide shot.
The idea is to start close on the hero finger and in a few frame or maybe a second go backward and discover 60 kids aligned (like in a china choreography, (shaoling gymnastic)) doing the same movement (completely sync). All the camera mouvement and the environement will be done in 3D and composite in Nuke. We will use an export of the camera from maya and place the kids in nuke.
For the effect we will shoot on green screen with RED @ 4K – 16:9
the finish shoot will be in HD
We have 6 kids that we need to duplicate.
My approach is to shoot for the hero (and maybe for his 2 other side kids ) 3 pass with the same choreography. One extreme Close Up, a second medium shot, and the wide shot. For the other kids, a wide shoot will be enough.
In nuke i will assemble the passes and use the 4k resolution of each pass. I will make some time warp and warping to align theme perfectly. Then make a transition between the passes.
After i would like to use the 3D capabilities of nuke to place my 3 kids and the other 57 in a 3D environement. Using a card workfow.
Where i ‘m blocked is that i don’t understand how to keep the 4k resolution and quality of my footage when i will zoom in (or out).
1- Need i make a plate of 4k*3 (12k pixel) and put on a card and zoom with the camera or with a transformGeo?
2- Need i import each pass on a card, align and group them in the 3D space? after zoom with the camera.
So here i am.
If you have any advice, idea, or trick to complete the shot.