Psyop follows up their HP Maestro work with another cinematic, refined look from their LA shop starring Kevin Garnett. Though visually much simpler, this piece introduces some of the narrative that GSP classically brought to their run of work with Motion Theory. These scripts pushed that one step further by breaking into “multiple-locations” versus the floating-hands approach of the past.
It’s a shame KG didn’t made it far enough to have this one trail an Eastern-Conference Finals appearance. Sorry Boston.
Client: HP
Spot Title: “Kevin Garnett All-Arounder”
Agency: Goodby, Silverstein & Partners
Co-Chairman, Creative Director: Rich Silverstein
Creative Director: Steve Simpson
Creative Director: Will McGinness
Senior Art Director: Dino Spadavecchia
Senior Copywriter: Alex Flint
Producer: Todd Porter
Assistant Producers: Christine Oh, Jessica Mehl
Group Account Director: John Coyne
Account Director: Melissa Nelson
Account Manager: Nick Pacelli
Production Company: Psyop
Director: Psyop
Psyop Creative Directors: Todd Mueller, Kylie Matulick
Executive Producer: Neysa Horsburgh
Live Action Producer: Michael Angelos
Director of Photography: Max Malkin
Production Designer: Floyd Albee
Design/Animation/Visual Effects: Psyop
Psyop Creative Directors: Todd Mueller, Kylie Matulick
Executive Producer: Neysa Horsburgh
Producer: Kim Wildenburg
Lead Technical Directors: David Chontos, Kyle Cassidy
Designers: Alex Hanson & Joseph Chan
3D Artists: Terry Shigemitsu, Petrik Watson, Todd Akita, Colin Cromwell, Yvain Gnebro, Joon Seong Lee, Stefano Dubay
Flame: Alex Kolasinski & Chris DeCristo
Compositor: Shawn Berry
Roto: Grover Richardson, Lyndal Heathwood & Maura Alvarez
Editor: Patrick Griffin, Arcade Edit
Music: The Rumor Mill, Josh Ralph
Sound Design: 740 Sound design, Eddie Kim, Andrew Tracy
Final Mix: Lime, Rohan Young, Joel Waters
Posted on Motionographer