Short Film-Once Upon A Time

Once Upon A Time
Time length -4.35 min
click here to watch it –

Pls Give Your Feedback’s.


KERNEL /011 è in cerca di giovani artisti e talenti emergenti da inserire nella programmazione dei tre giorni del Festival, dall’1 al 3 luglio 2011.
Electronic Sound & Music, Audiovisual Mapping, Interactive & Digital Art, Temporary Architecture sono gli ambiti artistici con cui il Festival animerà la settecentesca Villa Tittoni Traversi a Desio e il suo bellissimo parco. Gli ospiti internazionali e i giovani talenti selezionati tramite le open call […]

film production

Hello there, i’m a final year student in film production. my final year project is about ‘Digital Compositing’ techniques and tools. one of my objectives to produce a sample of compositing work, and get my work evaluated by experts. would you guys please help me with that. could you answer the questions below and if possible i would like some information about digital compositing, different methods and of doing it, e.g blending modes.
1. How well the Camera Tracking been done? 2. How well the Keying been done? 3. How well the tracking of fire been done? 4. How well the other added elements been done? 5. Does the compositing work looks convincing or real ? YOU CAN ADD ANY OTHER QUESTIONS YA MAN. THANKS

Attached Thumbnails

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Where can I find this book for less?

Hey guys,

I’ve been looking to buy and read the Art and Science of Digital Compositing (2nd ed) by Ron Brinkmann… The "cheapest" I could find it was for around $50 which I can’t really afford! Its so hard to find a used copy anywhere too. Does anyone know of a way to get this book at a discount or at a student price? Used, new, anything.

Appreciate the help, thanks!

Gizmos all over the nodegraph

When I add a gizmo to the node graph, some of them show up at the position of the mouse as normal Nuke nodes, but other show up at random places in the nodegraph so you have to look around for them. Anyone know how to fix this? Nuke 6.2 on both Win and Mac.

Calling Relight and position to points nodes

Hey guys how can you call the relight tool and the position to points nodes without updating the all plugins menu …. I just want to put it in my so I can have it ….

Thank you.

Lens distortion matchmove work flow issue

I’ve stumbled upon a workflow issue between Nuke and Houdini when match moving (though I’m sure this applies to any 3D app, Maya/3DS/C4d etc).

I’ve set up and tracked a shot in Nuke using the ‘CameraTracker’ node. Before tracking, I’ve undistorted the lens using the ‘LensDistortion’ node, so my track and camera are based on the undistorted lens.

I’ve also used a ‘modeler’ node to create some rough location geometries as reference when I take the scene into Houdini. Again, all based on the undistorted lens and footage.

Upon importing the FBX file, it’s all worked beautifully, apart from the fact the camera, track and modeler geometry are all based on the undistorted lens, and so, inside Houdini, the Nuke elements obviously don’t agree with the background plate. And, besides, even they did, if I create, say, a fluid sim in the Houdini scene, it’ll obviously not match the undistorted scene in Nuke. :spacedout

Is there anything I can do in either Nuke or Houdini to make this workflow…work? 😀

I reeeeeally hope this makes sense

Thanks in advance.

VFXtalk is looking for a new home!


We are pleased to say that VFXtalk is now free of its old leadership and management, and its deal with Sputnik7 (which didnt work out) and is looking for a industry player to take the site over and manage it full time.

VFXtalk is the industries oldest and leading visual effects community, it has great traffic, a very active userbase, generates revenues, and has grown month on month for the past 7 years.

We are looking for someone, or a company from within the industry, who has the time and resources to devote to it, so that it can continue to grow and proser unhindered as it has over the past few years.

If you are interested please let us know by emailing us on

Serious inquieries only!



Secondary color correction instead of keying

Hi, I’m in a shot where I must change the color of a window. It has a bluescreen behind it (not very evenly) and I must change it to be completely black.

I’ve tried to key the window with IBK, Primatte, Keylight, luma, min/max, but it doesnt seem to work well… Also HSVTool but nothing…

I just would like to know if maybe there is another approach for this, like some kind of color correction.


CG Portfolio: James Schauf

3D Artist from USA, whose specialisation is Modeling, Texturing and Lighting and can be seen in few but different artworks