reff for modeling cartoons

hi all!
i need some help in getting some reff for modeling cartoon characters
it can be anime or semi realistic (u know..humm.megamind,monster vs aliens,cloudy with a chance of meat balls,bolt..those kind of characters.).

i have looked at animemodel and various other sites,but i am unable to find these model sheets.
if anyone knows some good sites for these kind of model sheets plz can u share them here??

ps: i prefer t pose sheets…
also plz have a look at my youtube channel

Fluid Simulation Solvers

Hello everyone,
I’ve decided to develop some research that I could’t completely realize during my Master Thesis, really hope you guy’s can help me here a bit. Softwares and their solvers was one the steps I could’t completely fulfill because of some doubts from my behalf and also because my research could only take half the way.

Maya Fluids – Grid based + Height Field + Semi – Lagrangian;

Maya nParticles – Particle based + SPH;

Realflow – Particle based + SPH + Hybrid Fluid (grid & particle based);

Houdini – Particle & grid based + SPH + Semi-Lagrangian for Pyro right? + FLIP fluid is a hybrid between volumetric fluid and SPH fluid;

Blender – Particle based + Lattice Boltzmann method;

Softimage – Particle based + SPH ICE + Lagoa Multiphysics uses an unified solver to simulate different materials but what kind? Eulerian, Lagrangian, Hybrid?

Fume Fx (3ds Max) – Grid based + Semi-Lagrangian;

Naiad – I think it uses an hybrid solver right? Some doubts here. I know it has a dynamic solver and a simulation framework able to create liquid and gases effects.

Glud3D (3ds Max, Maya & Softimage) – Particle based + SPH or Lattice Boltzmann method?

Phoenix FD (3ds Max) – Grid based + Semi-Lagrangian right? Similar to Fume Fx?

Effex (C4D) – Grid and Particle based right?

Turbulence 4D (C4D) – Grid based + Semi-Lagrangian?

Dynamite Voxel Engine (Lightwave 3D) – Grid and Particle based?

PhyFluid3D – none information available.

Hope I can get some help here.
I’ll continue with my research.
I think all of us that love fluid simulations would love it.
Thanks in advance.

Hide Gizmo on screen controls.

I’ve made a gizmo with 2 transform nodes in it and a noise node, they all have on screen controls. Does anyone know how to disable them in the gizmo?
I only need one of the transform controls.

VFX 2010 DEMO REEL DreamScheme Still putting a final edit on…suggestions?

nuke stereo tracking

HI! I am stereo tracking and the track is pretty good but I have a little jumping in some frames and I dont know how to fix this, anyone can give me a little advice? thanks!

ps: when I access the 3d scene I notice that the right camera is jumping in comparison with the left camera

Uovo fritto

Ciao ragazzi,
da ieri l’articolo su una nota “iniziativa enciclopedica video” non è più online tra le nostre pagine. Dopo due diffide nei nostri confronti siamo stati costretti ad eliminare l’articolo e di conseguenza a togliervi un angolo di sfogo […]

Getting Footage working from HPX 300

So I did my shooting yesterday and transferred my footage off of the camera and into final cut pro. I looked at the footage on the schools computer, then I put it onto my external hardrive. I looked at it on my hardrive one more time before disconnecting it from the computer.

I went home, plugged in my external hardrive and tried to play it. This is what comes up when I try too. Whats going on? I was talking to one of my friends and sent the file to him and he was able to watch it on his macbook pro. I have a imac.

here’s some pics of the file and error messages. I also have a final cut pro 6.0.6 and i’m getting version 7 of final cut pro now. I’m hoping it would make things easier for me.

one of my friends says that I’m missing a codec.

How to do digital blood splatter

Can somebody point me to a tutorial on how to add a blood splatter to a video…any woftware will do.

Thank you.

3 FX shots needed by Thursday 27th Jan ($1,500)

Summary: 3 fx shots needed by Thursday 27th for new psychological horror: Don’t Let Him In (

Budget: $1,500
Skills: Maya, Shake, After FX or your own packages

Don’t Let Him In is a British psychological horror film due to be completed Feb 2011. You can see more details here:

We’re in the last few days of post production and still need 3 shots finished using Maya/Shake and After FX. We have a previous FX artist who has done most of the work, so it’s just a case of finishing off what he did and compositing with 2k plates.

There are two possible routes as I see it: Either a) take Shake/Maya project files (half completed), render against 2k plates and output to dpx or b) do again yourself.

We already have a sales agent in place so this movie will be distributed. See for a trailer.

This is a chance for a decent FX artist to get their work seen worldwide within a month or two and a great credit on IMDB.

Budget is $500/shot or $1,500 total. Email if interested asap.

Where are they now?

Where are they (ex-VFXTalkers) now?

on Facebook:
on Lefora:
on WordPress:…cg-censorship/

…and coming soon, a new forum site that’s being created by former senior members!