3 FX shots needed by Thursday 27th Jan ($1,500)

Summary: 3 fx shots needed by Thursday 27th for new psychological horror: Don’t Let Him In (www.DontLetHimIn.com).

Budget: $1,500
Skills: Maya, Shake, After FX or your own packages
Contact: kelly.coldwood@gmail.com

Don’t Let Him In is a British psychological horror film due to be completed Feb 2011. You can see more details here:

We’re in the last few days of post production and still need 3 shots finished using Maya/Shake and After FX. We have a previous FX artist who has done most of the work, so it’s just a case of finishing off what he did and compositing with 2k plates.

There are two possible routes as I see it: Either a) take Shake/Maya project files (half completed), render against 2k plates and output to dpx or b) do again yourself.

We already have a sales agent in place so this movie will be distributed. See www.DontLetHimIn.com for a trailer.

This is a chance for a decent FX artist to get their work seen worldwide within a month or two and a great credit on IMDB.

Budget is $500/shot or $1,500 total. Email kelly.coldwood@gmail.com if interested asap.

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