Hello all of you python wizards. I have a little script that I cannot get to work and may be some one can help.
What is does: Selects all read nodes in script, truncates them to base name and then puts that info in a sticky note in the Nuke script.
What it is not doing: Will only put the first file base name in the sticky note. So it seems I am missing the loop to continue with all the names. I can print and see all of them in the script output window.
Here is the script below, what am I missing here and thanks for the help: (there are line indents where the > is, I could not get it to paste in this post with them)
for a in nuke.allNodes():
>>if ‘Read’ in a[‘name’].value():
>>>if ‘rnd’ in a[‘read_file’].value():
>>>>path = a[‘read_file’].value()
>>>>filename = path.split(" ")[0].split("/")[-3]
>>>>print filename
>>>>nuke.nodes.StickyNote( label = filename + "\n", note_font_size = 130)