Different Z-depth data from MAX and MAYA


I have been struggling with this problem for sometime so i thought i should ask the pros.

Im attaching 2 files, both are .rgb files. Now, one in exported from maya using mental ray whereas other is exported from max using vray. My problem is that when i take the file from maya into fusion, it directly shows z depth data, but the one from max says it contains no z depth data. Why is this happening ?

Any insight into this would be greatly appriciated.


Attached Files
File Type: rar z depth rgb.rar (206.1 KB)

My new reel


This is my new compositing reel


comments are welcome


afret effects or combustion ???

Hi All,

this is my first post here, as I just recently came across this wonderfull website…,
on to my question, I wanted to ask if after effects does indeed have the same or similar effects as combustion , example – particle emmiters ?? etc .. does it come as a standard package or do you have to install plugins of that kind separatelly or what ever…,
what is the most popular package for video editing these days??

any info would be appreciated..,


Motionographer: Motion Graphic Design Census

The folks at Motionographer are hosting a salary survey for professionals in Motion Graphic Design, Animation, Visual Effects and Film-making, called the 2009 Motion Graphic Design Census. The online survey will be hosted at Motionographer for the month of December. We’ll then be publishing the results in 2010 and plan on continuing the survey as […]

3way color correction?


I am a fresh convert from Fusion and I have a question.
I pretty much love the Fusion color correction tool and I managed
to replicate almost all functions using Nuke nodes. But I still miss the 3 way cc. I remeber someone saying me there is a gizmo or a script that gives this option to Nuke. Is that true?

P.S.: Another one. In Fusion you can nudge masks with the cursor keys. Is it possible in Nuke?



Is there any python script which syncs the folder? or copies the contents to…..

Is there any python script where I would like to sync the folders based on the modified time…

I mean the script first should check the modified contents of its folder and then sync the folder based on the time of which its files are changed.

I want to make this script to go over the renderfarm can u pls help me…


Once the rendering is complete I want the rendered files to be copied to some other location apart from the target render folder…
Is there any post render script in nuke which does this?


can any one say how to create a rain effect on a video or is there any particles available for rain effect

Thank in advance

2009 Motion Graphic Census: Who, What, Why and How


Do you ever wonder how many people actually work in the Motion Graphic Design business? Do you ever think about where they might live and work? Do you ever wonder what kind of salaries they make? How they charge their clients? How many projects they do a year? If they do work in advertising, short films, visual effects, or music videos? And what kind of software they use?

We do.

That’s why we’ve created the 2009 Motion Graphic Design Census, the first-ever salary survey for professionals in Motion Graphic Design, Animation, Visual Effects and Film-making. This survey is designed to count everyone in the industry—from owners to interns, producers, designers and animators. The online survey will be hosted at Motionographer for the month of December. We’ll then publish the results in 2010.

We plan on continuing the survey as a yearly effort in order to track salary, rates, and other relevant issues. We’d love to get the entire Motion Design community to participate, to give us a full and realistic overview of the entire profession.

Please follow the link and fill out your information, which will remain completely anonymous. Then sign up for our mailing list to get the results of the survey in 2010.

If you’re wondering why you should spend 10 minutes or less filling this survey out, here are some reasons:

• The AIGA has never truly identified and defined our field of work in its annual salary surveys. It has always classified positions as entry level designer, designer, senior designer, art director, creative/design director, owner/partner/principal and solo designer – positions geared towards its base of print designers. This leaves out producers, animators, CG artists, storyboard artists, and quite a few other job types related to our industry. Other membership-based organizations like BDA/Promax or AICP also leave out whole segments of our colleagues and do not make their information accessible to the public.

• We should no longer be seen as a “young” industry. Some of the leading companies in our field have been in business for 10 years or more now. A salary survey is long overdue in our industry to gauge year-by-year the value companies place on full-time and freelance talent that they hire.

• By conducting this first-ever salary survey tailored to our industry, important data will be gathered that will give insight to individuals as to where they fit in this complex and always-changing industry and hopefully help them see more clearly the path they wish to take with their careers

• There are other relevant issues in our industry like unpaid pitches, spec work, work-for-hire agreements and other labor practices that we’d like to bring up as issues of concern to our community. Seeing who is affected by these issues is one of the first steps in addressing them.

• We’d simply like to quantify and count all the people who do what we do, and eventually help all of our colleagues explain to their parents what they actually do for a living.

The Motion Graphic Design Census was written and will be published by Bran Dougherty-Johnson and Jake Sargeant, two Motionographer authors who have worked several years in staff positions and now currently freelance within the industry.

Posted on Motionographer

ManvsMachine : BT Vision

BT Vision approached ManvsMachine to design and animate their 2009 Christmas brand package for use across the on-demand television service, from stand alone idents through to navigational devices and print elements – which basically culminated in an abstract animated mass/mess of christmas fueled fun.
Check out the main Ident: Hi-Rez / Lo-Rez (Vimeo)

How to track a paint node?

Hi All,

I Have a matte that was created using the "Keyer" node. I wanted to "paint in" or "fill in" the matte using the paint node.
I really don’t want to paint frame by frame.

Is there a way to apply tracking data to the paint stokes?
There is no translation x, y on the paint layers, so I can’t figure out how to link the tracking data.

Also, I tried using a Constant node, painting on it, add a transform node (so I could apply track data) and then merge it after the keyer node. But it didn’t work, I got weird results.
