We always think of Hamburger Eyes as a cleaned up version of the gang Keanu Reeves shot up in the beginning of Point Break. Except now, instead of dealing drugs and driving around in surplus army jeeps terrorizing traffic, they just show off gigantic photos of their barefooted spiritual journey through the streets of California where they start street fights, play with pitbulls, and brush their chrome weaponry. Check out their EXODUS show at the Minna Gallery on July 2nd.
“On July 2nd, Hamburger Eyes presents EXODUS at 111 Minna Gallery. This exhibition will showcase black and white photography from regular contributors of Hamburger Eyes Photo Magazine. Photographs will range in size from large murals of 8 feet x 10 feet, to the traditional standard of 8 inches by 10 inches.
The shows title, “EXODUS” envokes not only the feelings of mass migration, but of transmogrification. Hamburger Eyes Photo Magazine, subtitled “The continuing story of Life on Earth”, has dedicated their pages to the study of the human condition. And, in this exhibit they intend to display their visions of transcendence from past, present, and futurekind. It is a mission of containing time by setting it free, thus shall begin the EXODUS.
This event will also celebrate the release of Hamburger Eyes Issue 013. Hamburger Eyes Photo Magazine is based in San Francisco. It is off-set printed in black and white on glossy stock, perfect bound with a cardstock cover, holding 150 pages at a run of 3000 copies. Hamburger Eyes is carried in shops, stores, libraries, galleries, and museums across the entire planet.”

July 2 to August 1 2009
Opening Reception
July 2 2009
6pm – 2am
21 + Up
111 Minna Gallery
111 Minna St.
San Francisco, CA 94105