Digital Black Book: New Reel/Site

Recently jumped back into the freelance game so I launched a redesigned website and updated show-reel at Take a look around and let me know what you think – @amador_v

Shave it

Shave It is an amazing fast paced and beautifully animated short film by Buenos Aires based 3dar Check out a quick behind the scenes movie here –

Tom Oakerson — freelancer reel

Had the pleasure of working with Tom Oakerson on a recent project @ the Material Group. His reel is filled with tons of great work from his time at Superfad.

The Mill Group Showreel 2011

The Mill, agenzia storica delle più importanti al mondo, ha pubblicato il nuovo reel 2011, facendo tra l’altro anche un restyling del proprio sito internet. Nella reel si possono ammirare lavori che spaziano dall’animazione per i videogiochi, ai video musicali, alla motion graphics fino agli effetti speciali per il cinema e la pubblicità. […]

Playgrounds Festival 2010

Playgrounds describes itself as a festival for innovative and creative digital art. During the two-day festival in Tilburg, Playgrounds presents an impression of the latest developments in technology as well as creativity. The festival program offers an inspiring mix of inventive films, documentaries, animation, graphic design, artist talks, character design and performances.

Playgrounds was a joy and surely measures up to the big festivals in the world. Allthough the festival is held in a small town called Tilburg (South of The Netherlands) it’s speakers reflex bigness. From big directors like Pierre Coffin (Despicable Me) and Rex Crowle (Little Big Planet) to powerhouses like Mini Vegas and Zeitguised. Furthermore there were Nexus, The Blackheart Gang, Shy the Sun, David Wilson, our own Matt Lambert, Champagne Valentine, Radical Friend and BIF to complete it.
It was nice to see every speaker had their own style, their own story of success and their own piece of advice. The motto seemed to be, stay true to yourself, explore and make what YOU want!

I especially liked the Talkshow between Fons Schiedon and David O’Reilly, what was meant to be a talk about inspiration, became a showdown of truly bizarre and sick works from all over the world. Movie clips, snippets of porn and pieces of animation were all wrapped into a humorous, often awkward, dialogue between Fons and David. The Art of ‘Wrongness’!

This years’ titles came out of the sick mind of animator/director/designer Fons Schiedon. With Post Panic on the production it turned out to be on of the most creative festival titles ever made.  Wether you like it or not, they are a definitely a fresh, new approach. No slick 3D, no heavy sound design, skilled typography or layers and layers of post. It looks like a surreal movie, a part of a series you’ve missed. Fons cleverly hid the titles in the dialogue of the film.


Posted on Motionographer

Channel Y

After a year and a half of blood, sweat, tears, and frankly a ‘lil procrastination, YYY / Channel Y is re-launched. With more people experiencing the web on TV and TV on the web, this new iteration of Yes Yes Y’all is right where it needs to be. As one of the first passive experiences online, the site resembles what MTV once represented – a fusion of entertainment and enlightenment.

At a party. Lounging on the couch. Seeking the new. Finding the inspirational. This is how YYY is to be embraced. Music has long been the basis of the site, and as visual artists it’s a natural evolution to have innovative eye-candy creep into the mix. After all, in many, many cases, the beauties of each are not mutually exclusive.

Bumpers have been created by the YYY team and are meant to function as segues into the curated content so keep an eye out for those as you consume the content from the site. If you are interested in working with YYY to create some of these bumpers or unique content that will be featured on the channel, be sure to reach out to them on the site, they’d love to hear from you.

Posted on Motionographer

Appuntamento con i Castorini

Il 24 novembre 2009 alle ore 18, l’Aula Magna dell’Istituo Europeo di Design di Via Sciesa sarà teatro dello showreel dei più significativi lavori di Motion Design, Art Direction e Scenografia per Broadcast del duo creativo Marco Ammannati e Miyo Yoshida.
Ma non solo. Castorini, la loro agenzia, è un modello organizzativo e gestionale esemplare che risponde alla domanda: How to stay small and work for the giants? E Marco e Miyo ci racconteranno la loro storia e le loro strategie di business.


L’incontro è organizzato all’interno del Programma di Studi del Master in Graphic Design Management in partenza a Marzo 2010 a Milano, un programma di studio ricco e innovativo coordinato da Massimo Pitis, Graphic Designer and Art Director e promotore di questo interessante appuntamento.

24 novembre 2009
ore 18,00
IED Arti Visive
Via Sciesa 4 – Milano
Partecipazione libera e gratuita

Dan Black: Symphonies

Chic & Artistic sono Corinne Bance e Axel D’Harcourt: duo parigino di registi/motion graphics e graphic designers. Symphonies è il terzo video musicale che hanno prodotto per Dan Black.

L’idea di un videoclip realizzato come sequenza iniziale con titoli di un film non è nuova, anzi, ma l’originalità qui sta nell’aver esplorato, in un solo filmato, i vari generi del cinema (dal western all’azione, dal film d’autore alla fantascienza, ecc.) con tecniche, stili e modi differenti. Praticamente è un omaggio ai grandi “titolatori” del cinema.

Prod co: Chic & Artistic Unlimited
Director: Chic & Artistic
Editor & post : Chic & Artistic

Articolo redatto da Sergio Damele

Motion Graphics: 50 utili consigli

Motion Graphics: 50 utili consigli

La rivista Computer Arts pubblica 50 suggerimenti (in inglese) per fare titoli e grafica televisiva proposti da alcuni video designer inglesi. Da leggere e tenere sott’occhio…