Three Legged Legs : Kanye West, Santigold & Lykke Li

New video for N.A.S.A featuring Kanye West, Santigold and Lykke Li … looks like the vid is only viewable inside the U.S but will be on Three Legged Legs‘ site after this weekend. I want to see this!

Digital Domain : The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button

Interesting behind-the-scenes footage showing the motion tracking and vfx by Digital Domain for The Curious Case of Benjamin Button..

Shake Text node

I’m trying to create a couple lines of text within the Text node in shake and can’t seem to figure out the command to break to a new line of text, there must be a way to do this…or do I have to create multiple text nodes?

Any help would be great!!

Lens Correction in Maya with Mental Ray, how?

I have some distorted footaged that was tracked in Boujou that I now worked with in Maya and I am about to render out. I have read around on the web about lens correction shaders inside of maya that should be able to correct this but I haven’t found it.

I know that Boujou can do the correction for me, but I rather just have it done in Maya if possible.



The first six films from PSST!3 are online to watch

Speed Sculpt: An Amphibious Man

Jesse uses ZBrush brush, painting and posing tools to create atoad type character with some human qualities.

Making of Mech Dragon Battle

Artist created the Mech Dragon Battle using Photoshop and here explaining the whole process

Making of Ashoan

In this tutorial explained the entire process of creating this particular image from the first step to the final result

Multi Feature Displacement in Maya

In this demonstration we go through creating displacement maps and rendering them in Maya 8.5

Making of Classical Girl

Artist from china make the best efforts to show the oriental beauty in the image Classical Girl