Compositors, matte painters and the like needed for indie film

highland rogue films needs fx artists to help in post on their film Plague of the damned.
The job does not pay but offers back end revenue on sale of the film.Plus scenes worked on will be given for demo reel and artists will recieve Imdb credit. The film is a post apocalyptic zombie wesTern. We need artists to help us design the post apocalyptic landscapes for the film. if interested please contact jesse at

Nokia / Art Film

colorramp node for Color Temperature

how to build a color ramp node in Nuke which has controls for color temperature

Semidentified flying object..

I did a ww2 animation a few years ago and was quite happy with the outcome. I was thinking i might come back to these techniques and see where i’ve gotten better and where the technique can be developed further.

I don’t have a strict plan yet, i know what direction I’m going in, but I’m going to take them 1 step at a time.

Starting with a jet fighter. On loan from a very generous Mike James , i have a F22 Raptor. My first stop has been to do some textures..

I’ve started with low res t maps as i don’t want to make detail that wont be seen later. I think these bad boys will be flying pretty fast.

Now I’m gonna rig everything that will be used in my animation, from the control surfaces to the thrust vectoring afterburner and weapons bays.

Then i might take her flying, to put it through it’s paces..

P.s. One question, the cannon that’s in the mid stbd fuse, where do the rounds come out?!

Escape from City 17!

Here is a link to a fantastic short done by the Purchase Brothers entitled "Escape from city 17". My brother sent me the link and i thought that i would share it with all of you! Its a half life 2 short and its fantastically well done so if like me you have played any of the half life games you will appreciate I’m sure! It says its part one so i hope they make more!

The link is to youtube and its worth watching it in hd (theres a button that allows you to watch the hd version in youtube) as the low res copy doesnt do it justice. Sorry if this thread is in the wrong place!

Anyway enjoy! – the link

Andrew Huang

Andrew Huang si è laureato solo due anni fa alla University of Southern California e subito ha dimostrato il suo talento realizzando il corto Doll Face che è stato visionato/cliccato su YouTube più di due millioni di volte.

Il suo stile si basa sul connubio girato con animazione ed effetti visivi.

Nel frattempo ha realizzato video musicali, ed è rappresentato negli USA , per la pubblicità, dalla casa di produzione Moo Studios per la quale ha realizzato dei deliziosi idents.

Clicca qui per vedere il video incorporato.
Clicca qui per vedere il video incorporato.
Clicca qui per vedere il video incorporato.

Articolo redatto da Sergio Damele


New site for JVST out in San Francisco with beautiful randomized architecture by Joshua Davis.

Michael Phelps Weedies

Ok, I know it’s not the best in the world but I like it. I used 3ds Max, Photoshop, Final Cut Pro and just a little Shake to fix little problem with some missing background. This is my first project done with 3ds Max, I’ve been learning about it with the help of some books and which is a great site if anyone hasn’t been there. It was a fun way to learn about UV texture mapping, modeling and camera control. I did add film grain with Sapphire and it made it look pretty cool but the compression killed it. Oh well.

If I wanted to spend some more time on this I would model out the box better so it actually had flaps. Also I would blur out the BG with some depth of field settings. I’d like to learn to do that. I didn’t use motion blur because it made it much more difficult to read any of the box when paused. I suppose you could keyframe it? Well that’s most of my disclaimers. Anyway, just wanted to show it off to give someone a laugh. It’s my tribute to a pot smoker who can probably hold a bong hit longer then anyone!

Anyway, please post a reply and let me know what you think. Like it or not let me know. Any tips or good things to try with 3ds? Thanks.


Attached Files
File Type: mov Michael Phelps (5.42 MB)


I am currently working on a project and the main piece of the image is a lighter….. I would very much like to make this 3d using Maya, however i am very new to the software and was wondering if there are any tips or techniques anyone could tell me to help me out?


Stabilizing issues…

Hello VFXtalk Community,

I’m having a bit of trouble properly stabilizing a steadycam shot:

The shot contains a closed bathroom door filmed from the outside, with only the door itself in the picture as well as a huge lamp next to the door.

Now, I had to speed up the middle part of this sequence to shorten it a bit (I needed to
"take out" 592 frames without anyone noticing; if there’s a better solution to this – I’ve
tried some, but they didn’t really work out well – please let me know 🙂

What I intend to do now is to absolutely stabilize this shot, then filtering the tracking
data in the curve editor to simply give back some subtle shakiness.

I’m a novice to Nuke (but love it already 😉 so please excuse if my following problem is
too trivial..

Well, I got three points within the image which are suited for tracking; the doorknob on
the left, and two lamp features on the right. When I track all these and hit "stabilize",
the image tends to "morph" in order to stay in one fixed place. I guess that’s because of
the subtle perspective change due to the original shake, so it makes sense. But this knowledge doesn’t help me at all 😮
Using just one tracking point doesn’t help either due to the source’s rotation.

Could someone please give me a hint where my thinking lacks? Any help would be appreciated 🙂

Thanks a bunch in advance!