Nuke wallpaper

Hi, this is my first post here, i think this is an awesome community, being a student compositor, i look at reels all the time and trying to figure out how i will do mine at the end of the class! Here is a little something i made will i was bored, to show my support to this awesome software that is nuke, feel free to use it too if you like it!

I will come back here to show you my reel once it is done!

Uploaded with


Does learning about compositing have a lot of Maths in it. On the Escape Studios website for compositing, their is something about the Alpha Chanel, do you need to be good at maths to work in the buisness.

District 9 Radial3D plugin

Hello! I’m posting a thread here regarding District 9’s radial3D plugin. If you don’t know what it is, it’s a plugin that takes the "preference pass" (as the compositor called it in the video but rendered out of maya it would probably be called pointObject pass) so that you can paint mattes that follow the body of your character seamlessly. This is helpful for those who are lazy and don’t like rotoing but it’s also the only real solution for certain issues.

Here is a youtube link of the video. Please skip to about 7:08 to see the radial3D in action.

I looked on every possible forum I could find that discusses district 9 videos and nuke plug ins but I couldn’t find a single one mention this feature of their demo. If I missed a major one though, please point me to that.

I can’t imagine at this point that there isn’t a plugin or gizmo for this effect. I’m just wondering if the community here happens to know of one that exists. Any and all information on the topic would be widely appreciated and thank you for your replies in advance!


Does being a photographer help you with cinematography, matte painting and other compositing staff? Is it worth learning photography to apply the knowledge to these areas?
What do you guys think?

PFTrack distance to camera

Hi All,

Does anyone know to find out the distance of a feature to the camera in PFTtrack?

Thanks in advance.


reading nuke script from the terminal and getting the information of file

Hi guys

The following script I am using for getting the information of start_frame, end_frame, width & Height of the given scene. This is working in the nuke GUI.

My problem is that I need to run this script through the terminal without opening GUI of nuke
I gave the following command

/usr/local/Nuke6.0v6/Nuke6.0 -t /home/narasimham.k/Desktop/test/ /home/narasimham.k/Desktop/test/test.nk

Nuke 6.0v6, 64 bit, built May 18 2010.
Copyright (c) 2010 The Foundry Visionmongers Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
lut files registration executed
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 5, in <module>
RuntimeError: Syntax error at "1"
Syntax error at "1"

import nuke
import sys

print str(int(nuke.root()[‘first_frame’].getValue()))
print str(int(nuke.root()[‘last_frame’].getValue()))
print nuke.root()[‘format’].value().width()
print nuke.root()[‘format’].value().height()

Please help me

The visual effects of The Tourist

The visual effects of The Tourist


Visual effects supervisor Ted Rae oversaw nearly 400 shots for The Tourist, a romantic Venetian comedy thriller starring Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie and directed by Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck. Here’s my article at fxguide that takes a look at how Rae simulated a critical train journey and re-arranged the rooftops of Venice for the film.

Best laptop

Hi friends,

am a freelance 3d & compositing artist (From india) . I want to Buy a new laptop for my future works. Please suggest a better laptop configuration for me :confused:

Unreal Engine 3 Brings Chadam to Life

UE 3 , which powers everything from Gears of War 2 to BioShock 2, is now making the migration to Hollywood through Chadam

Short Film: Guvec

A strange forest creature trying to find his own place on the food cycle. Modelled, Rigged and animated in maya, and detailed pain…