Get ready to say He11o.

> Quicktime H.264
> iPod Compatible
> Watch in Flash

> Quicktime H.264
> iPod Compatible
> Watch in Flash

> Quicktime H.264
> iPod Compatible
> Watch in Flash

January 11th, 2011 will see the launch of a new free to air Australian television channel aptly enough called Eleven. The new channel will be the last (for now) of the free to air multichannels and the first general entertainment offering from Ten, who currently only offer a sports channel to compliment their main offering.

A joint venture between CBS and Channel Ten the new channel is aimed at the 13-29 year old crowd, and will become the new home of The Simpsons and long suffering soap Neighbours. Eleven is part of a larger strategic change within Ten that includes extending nightly news through primetime slots previously occupied by The Simpsons and Neighbours.

As with all things the Ten Network do, this new channel has fairly spot on branding and targeting along with the programming to back it up. Something that can’t entirely be said for 7mate or GEM.

Clarisse – non linear imaging

In a single integrated application, Clarisse provides you with all the means to paint, animate, texture, surface, create layers, …

New Texture Website

For free registration you can get Premium Membership Program for free & download textures & photo resources up to 600MB per day fo…

I have some 3d text, need help compositing, how much for this?

made some 3d text in c4d, got a shot tracked in pftrack and the test objects all stick, no slipping

i need to stick the 3d text in a shot, 8 second shot, artist walking by the text

also need the text to be textured or look good in the scene with a c4d material preset, also need the lighting to make it look like its really there

doing a free music vid for a friend

send me a pm with prices and a demo reel or samples


Autodesk Flame Premium – Confusion?

There are different people called as Online Artists, VFX Artists and Colorists.

Online Artist: does editorial finishing. (Smoke, Avid Nitris, eq etc)
VFX Artist: does high end 3D Visual Effects(Flame, Inferno, Flint etc)
Colorist: does color grading.(Lustre, Scratch, etc)

But how the situation is going to be for these artists by the releases like:
a) SGO Mistika
b) Quantel Pablo
c) Autodesk Flame Premium

Which combines all these three artists work together in one machine. Will one artist do everything: online-vfx-grading????

Wont it make too much pressure for the artists?

Western X – Web Series

This series started off as just an experiment, to better my skills and constructing miniatures. The footage from the first three episodes ended up appealing to some private investors and we now have a much bigger budget for episdoes 4-16.

Here are Eps 1-3. There is a preview for episode 4-16 after the closing credits for episode 3.–MVU

Lens Flare in the Shot! Any hope ?


Today I had a greenscreen shooting which went pretty well. When i watched the footage i noticed a few pretty annoying lens flare dots caused by one of the light bulbs in the studio. They dots quite small but still noticeable in my opinion see picture:

The shot is static and there are no camera movements. My question to the community here is: Which techniques do you suggest to remove those lens flare dots ? Please give me a reason to hope 🙂


PS: My primary postproduction tool is After Effects.

Any good books on 3d lighting you would recommend?

Try to help a fellow vfxtalker…


I’m basically compositor and photographer(once worked proff, now for hobby) now i learning about lighting on 3d packages such as Maya and Houdini, knowing very well about light setup for portrait shoots and outdoor lighting too. Can you do me a favor please suggest me any good books are tutorial for learn about 3d lighting.

Now im working with stereo3D and vfx. But im confused about the s3D is this going to stable in feature are its just hype….
once again thanks a lot…..

Studying at Bournemouth University

Dear Forum members,

I just browsed through the internet presentation of Bournemouth University in the UK and figured out that only GCSE degrees are required to begin studying at Bournemouth:…&collection=ug

I live in Germany and here you need the so called "(Fach-)Abitur" to get started at university. GCSE levels corresponds to the german "Mittlere Reife" degree which is one below "Abitur".

Does anybody know if it is possible to start the animation program at Bournemouth without having "Abitur"? If so, please let me know!


Best, Michael

Keylight,primatte,IBK question

Hi all,

It’s my first post here and I have a question. I have familiarized myself with the IBK,Keylight, and Primatte keyer’s in Nuke but I am curious as to their application. They seem fairly interchangeable,although I do see where the IBK can be very efficient when a greenscreen has not been lit properly or their are too many color variances in the screen itself. Any input would be greatly appreciated.