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funny reel I came across

Rockband Beatles – Intro & Outro

Dopo l’uscita di “Across the Universe” è ormai chiaro che i testi dei Beatles si prestano perfettamente ad interpretazioni visionarie dal gusto surreale.
Accade lo stesso nei due nuovi video realizzati da Pete Candeland per l’agenzia Passion Pictures, in cui si ripercorre idealmente la storia e l’evoluzione dei Fab Four, dagli esordi in bianco e nero negli scantinati […]

Wayne Robson Mudbox Training

Now Mudbox Master Wayne Robson training videos are available in CGArena store, which helps you in learning the Mudbox in detail.

New Images added in References Library

More than 60 images are added in the Flower and Plants category of References Library. These are high quality images.

Carpet Texture Collection

This collection contains 120 textures of carpets. 30 different textures 7500 px wide and every texture is created in four differen…

CG Portfolio: Koray Kocaturk

27 years old artist from Turkey whose specialisation in Modeling, Texturing and can be easily seen in their artwork.