Michael Fragstein: Transmediale 2011 Festival promo

Michael Fragstein is a multi-talented designer/director. This is his most recent project, a promo for the Transmediale 2011 Festival. See more of Michael’s work here (sketches) and here (co-founder)

unwrap environment from track and pan

Hi there, I’m kind of new to nuke, but learning very quickly and really enjoying using the software, but I have a question about a certain production technique.

I was watching the following tutorials, and this one seems great for unwrapping an environment painting changes in photoshop and the re-wrapping onto a sphere within nuke, but the camera is in a fixed position only allowed to pan and not track:


This one seems great for painting out issues if the camera is a simple track (i.e. rig removal):


So my question finally is, how would you unwrap an environment from footage where the camera is both panning and tracking, so that changes can be painted and then re-projected, or am I totally going about this with the wrong method?

Thanks in advance


Cineon and HD DSLR videos

Hi you all!
I’m experiencing Nuke lately for little compositing and color correction works, in the past I used Premiere and AE.

I’ve always found this "cineon" conversion, but I sincerely can’t understand what it is used for… I’ve read this is a format helpful for working with "film" native videos, so why I should use it for videos taken with DSLR (which comes in .avi format)??

And more, I’ve seen videos are more "cinema looking" after I convert them to cineon, but is it wrong to make this conversion for "improve" a color correction .avi/mpeg/mov destination files?

I confide in your experience, thanks in advance for answers!:)


I’m currently trying to replace a street surface with a random texture.
But it’s very hard to match the perspective with just the transform node.

Is there a better way to warp the texture to match? What is common?
Just rotate and skew?


http://vimeo.com/19311360 pwd: nuke

Creature Animator Maya

Ogrefish.gmbh is seeking a creature rigger/animator.

the story is about deep sea creatures and
the movements are quite complex.

the creatures need to be rigged and animated.

because its an independent documentation we’ve low budget –
but if you would like to proof your skills and need
a reference product this would be a good chance.

if you’re interested, please mail to office@sundesign.tv
you’d receive a treatment and everything else needed.

thanks for your time,

Richie Pichler

Height and Depth pass in maya

hi friends .. can u plz tell me how to create Height and Depth shader in maya
i tried this tute… but…

EXR to attachable files list

Am requesting that the EXR file format be added to the allowed file format list. Its messy now to zip or rar the exr files and then have the user decompress them..

true,.. exr files are big. but those only get uploaded once in a while.

pls consider.


Height and Depth Sheder

hi friends anyone plz tell me how to create height and depth shader in maya
i tried to create it from the following tute .. but its not working for me ..

particles texturing for google logo using Autodesk combustion

this is my first compositing us the particles in combustionhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IgiDFYfMgI

DOF problem in Nuke

hi friends plz any one can tell me how to use Zblur in nuke
i have a beauty and depth pass .. plz help ..