Hi There,
I am preparing some render passes for a compositor in mental ray for maya 2011.
The compositor would like the maximum ammount of control in the comp so I have rendered diffuse raw, diffuse levels, indirect raw etc etc using the multiple outputs of the mia_x_passes materials.
Using the architectural and design visualization shader library white paper information, these should be composited to match the beauty pass with the equation:
Beauty = Diffuse_level * (diffuse_raw + (indiect_raw * ao_raw)) + (spec_level * spec raw) etc etc
The passes are outputted as linear 16bit float exrs as specified.
The problem occurs when the comparing the beauty pass and the reconstructed beauty pass. There is a antialiasing/filtering artifact where objects of high contrast intersect.
I have attached a picture of a test beauty pass, the reconstructed beauty pass and also a picture of the difference between the two with a slight increase in gamma to emphasize the result.
Is there anybody that regularly uses mental ray passes at this deconstructed level that encounters the same issue? is there anything that I could be doing in maya to avoid this??
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you for your time