Nuke 6.3… Shadow casting not working on 3d Card…

Nuke 6.3… Shadow casting not working on 3d Card…

cylinder shadow not casting my card….
just checkout this script….

Attached Files
File Type: nk volume_light_test_v1.nk (27.9 KB)

normal pass and pos pass to create shadows

I’m about to try do some tests on 2.5d relighting using normal and pos passes from maya.…-january-2009/

Is what inspired me to give it a try.

He says in the video that you still need a shadow pass though.

Is there any way to create cast shadows in nuke from normal and or pos passes?

can deep compositing create cast shadows?

can mental ray even create a pass like dtex for deep compositing?

I really hate dealing with cast shadows from maya. I’d love to find a better solution to create cast shadows.

I’d also love some help on how to get the right passes out of maya if anyone can point me in the right direction?

Thanks a lot.

particles travel along geo surface or vertex

playing around with the fantastic new particles system in 6.3

anyone know how to get the particles to travel (or be attracted to) geometry’s surface, vertex or points, rather than use the geometry as an emitter?

any help would be grand,


I want to know about Furnace Core

I am new to Nuke, and Fusion
I ve seen Furnace-Furnace Core for nuke and fusion
ihave visited foundry webisite but didnt understand, i read that it can do auto rotoscoping and rig removel?
is it possible?

Strange and a bugging error!!!

i have been using v6.2 recently and its working out fine.except for one error which has been bugging me quite a lot..its saying "cant write .tmp to final".. when i render a sequence in dpx and this error msg comes at a particular frame..i have no clue abt it..:confused::confused:

Animated 3D mesh point selection in nuke for mattes


I remember seeing in Nuke master class,
We are able to select animated 3d model’s mesh point and grow selection
to use it as a matte.

I cant remember the 3d pass required to do so
and how we use it in Nuke.
plz. help…


Particle Motion Align


just playing around with the new particle system. I want the particles to be affected by the emiter motion. In the Documentation the ParticleMotionAlignt node ist mentioned to be the right one.. but it wont work for me…. I plugged in after the Particle emitter node without any effect.

Would be great if someone could lift the secret for me..


Break Tangents While Drawing

In a Digital Tutors tutorial I watched on the RotoPaint node a guy demonstrates being able to break tangents by pressing ctrl while he is drawing. This was in Nuke 6.0. I had my friend test this for me on the mac version of 6.0 he is running to see if it works for him and it does. On both 6.2 and 6.3 windows 64 I can only break tangents after I let go of the handle I pull out. I can’t just hit ctrl while in the process of initially creating the point and its tension and direction and have the tangents break. This probably seems minor but the way he shows seems much more fluid than having to go back to each point and break it rather than being able to go ahead and break it while I am initially dragging it out. Is there a preference setting I am just missing. I can’t find anything about it in the current docs so I am wondering if maybe it was buggy and taken out or something like that. Thanks, Nick

2D approach to fire effect

I am having a shot that is similar to this:…/0/0/52082.gif

The character moves a lot.I want the jacket to be on fire.

Initially what I thought is I will object track the jacket and add fire through fume FX(Which I am very proficient with)

But I am wondering It will be easy if I take the 2d approach.

Here is what I think:
Create a matte for the jacket and add some fire stock into it.Is there a better approach for this kind of shot.

Apple ProRes not an option in write node in nuke 6.3

I’m wondering if I need to install something to get Apple ProRes again as an option in the write node in nuke 6.3?

I was writing to my scripts in nuke 6.2 with Apple ProRes cause it seems like the best option for me for work with my footage in FCPX without having to transcode it again (FCPX transcodes everything to Apple ProRes).

Now in nuke 6.3 apple proRes ain’t an option and I’m wondering why?

I’m writing out to Animation .mov’s right now but I’d rather go straight to ProRes.

Any ideas how to write to ProRes again in nuke 6.3?
