3d Track from Nuke to 3ds max question…

I’m new to the forum’s and wondered if anyone here has some insight to something i’m running into…

I’m exporting a fbx from a 3d camera track from Nuke to 3ds max. Oddly enough the locators in 3ds max are HUGE!… so my question is…

is there a way to make them smaller and more manageable?

any insight is greatly appreciated,


Maya shadow pass

Hello All,
I’m having a hard time gettign hte shaow to work correctly with Maya render passes system
file setup
IBL for indirect illumination
2 physical lights

I know the operation should be 32 bit
and the operation multiply (minus)

however the result is not even close to the master beauty
I’m probably missing something
adding the EXR files

(I did try to search but couldn’t find the proper answer)

Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

Name:	screen.jpg
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Attached Files
File Type: rar images.rar (1.27 MB)

DPX Keycode metadata in Nuke

Does anyone know why Nuke reads keycode from a DPX in perfs instead of frames? I was replicating a telecine workflow by burning in TC and KK onto some footage. Via Avid reconformed in Baselight. However the the Keycode burnt in (from Nuke) have the last two digits going up to 64 (64 perfs per foot of film) as opposed to Baselight – and other apps I tried – that goes up to 16 (16 frames per foot).

I didn’t even realise Keycode could be read differently.

Public beta for Speedo Retiming Plug-ins

GenArts is offering an extended public beta license free for the rest of 2011 for our retiming plug-in, Speedo. It supports OFX hosts Nuke, Toxik/Composite, Fusion, Scratch and Autodesk Systems Products, both Linux and Mac.

If you’d like to use the software you can register at:


Particular / CameraTracker integration?

Is it possible?
I’ve tried and tried, maybe I’m missing something, but I just can’t get particular integrated in a match moved scene.

The situation:
I’ve successfully tracked a shot using the inbuilt CameraTracker and I’ve added a few test objects and a dense point cloud generator to the scene for reference.

I’ve then set up a Particular node and created a basic coloured smoke effect.
I’ve tried to hook this up in various ways, copying the parameters from the tracked camera to the Particular camera, hooking the particular node directly up to the original match moved scene, or connecting the 2 scenes together individually. Nothing seems to work.

Is this even possible? I’m sure it must be, I mean, I can’t be the first guy to want to integrate particular effects into a tracked live action plate…can I? lol.

Thanks in advance.

3D-Coat AppLink for Nuke :: Nuke integration with 3D-Coat

# Description: 3D-Coat AppLink for The Foundry Nuke
# Version: 0.96b
# Author: Ilia Zaslavsky <|> Email: vfxdomain@gmail.com <|> Web: http://flavors.me/vfxdomain
# Last Update: 18:00 14/03/11
# 3D-Coat Home Page: http://www.3d-coat.com

Video Demo: http://vimeo.com/21023562



Put applink folder into your .nuke directory, which is usually
located in C:\Users\<USERNAME>\.nuke

Backup your existing menu.py and init.py if you have them
and then add this line to the init.py file:


If there is no init.py file in your .nuke directory, simply copy
and paste init.py from applink folder to the .nuke directory.

Once you restart Nuke you will now have the AppLink item
containing the tools ( "Send to 3D-Coat" and "Get from 3D-Coat")
in the Nuke’s nodes toolbar.



To edit Nuke’s geometry in 3D-Coat:
In Nuke, select geometry node you want to edit in 3D-Coat,
then hit "Send to 3D-Coat" from Nuke’s nodes toolbar.
Choose "3D-Coat Identifier" (depending on what you’re
planning to do in 3D-Coat with your mesh), set needed
options and hit "Send to 3D-Coat".

"Delete ‘Output to 3D-Coat’ Node after exporting" will remove
AppLink’s WriteGeo node after exporting geometry to 3D-Coat.

"Run 3D-Coat" check boxes will start 3D-Coat
application for you, so you can start editing your
Nuke’s geometry in 3D-Coat straight away.

Switch to 3D-Coat, import dialog should pop automatically.
Set needed options and hit OK. Edit and paint your mesh to
your heart content, when done hit "Open in original app"
in 3D-Coat’s "File" menu.

Edit "3D-Coat Exchange Folder", "Geometry Output Path"
and "3D-Coat Application Custom Path" ONLY if you need
to change the default values, which should work OK.
Also you may need to edit this fields if you’re running Mac
or Linux, the defaults may not work for this OSes in the
current version (expect fix very soon).
AppLink V0.9b fixing (hopefuly) the issue with Mac OS X

To get edited geometry and textures from 3D-Coat back to Nuke:
In Nuke, hit "Get from 3D-Coat" from Nuke’s nodes toolbar.
Set needed options and hit "Get from 3D-Coat". Again,
edit "3D-Coat Exchange Folder" field only if neccessarry.

"Update Selected" will only reload textures and geometries
in already existent (and pre-selected) group of nodes created
by AppLink earlier. Select existent group’s backdrop node
prior to running AppLink GUI if you want to use this option.
You don’t need to set other options in AppLink GUI if you’re
using "Update Selected" option, just select AppLink group’s
backdrop node, start AppLink GUI from toolbar button,
check "Update Selected" and hit "Get from 3D-Coat".

"Replace Selected" will remove selected group of nodes
created by AppLink earlier, befoure creating the new ones.
Select group’s backdrop node prior to running
AppLink GUI if you want to use this option.

"Get Normal Maps" option will bring normal maps from
3D-Coat if any, despite that there is no normal or bump
inputs in Nuke’s shaders currently, so only disconnected
read nodes will be created.

"Connect to Viewer" will connect newly imported
DisplaceGeo (or ReadGeo if there is no displacement
map being imported) to the first available viewer.


Attached Files
File Type: zip Nuke_AppLink_V096b_Manual_Install.zip (37.4 KB)

init.py PC file path problem


At my work I have everyones init.py point to a folder on a shared drive and pull the meny.py and all gizmos from there. This works great on our Macs, looks like this:



Problem is, now I am trying to get some PCs up and running, too and the same wont work:



I know it is seeing the path, cause if I put something in the remote menu.py to mess it up, nuke crashes at start… however, none of the plugin’s in the menu.py load… so maybe it’s the way I am loading the files in the menu.py?

That looks like this:


m = toolbar.addMenu("SSF", icon = "ssf.png")
m.addCommand( "aePremult", "nuke.createNode('aePremult.gizmo')")

Fairly straightforward.

If I copy all the gizmos and menu.py locally to the PCs .nuke directory it works.

Any help much appreciated!

green screen car tips?

Hi all,
I have a project coming up in april which envolves a car ride (night & day)
we are still debating whether or not to go Permits, multiple cars, hwy, etc..
or green screen.

I’ve done a little research on the web and found that it could look real convincing or REAL CORNY.

Has anyone had a shoot with green screen cars?

Stuttering 3d material


I have some problem with a multipass sequence created in Cinema 4D. It’s very "laggy" or stuttering in Nuke. But the funny thing is that when I import it in After Effects its smooth as babyskin… 🙂

It’s a 16-bit .png sequence in 25 fps. The project settings in Nuke are set to 25 fps and everything seems to be fine settings-wise.

Doesn’t Nuke and .png play nice together or is something else wrong? Due copyright reasons I can’t upload the sequence.


Compositing Clouds, maintain Color


for compositing purposes, I created a bunch of cloud clusters in my Maya scene and I rendered out the clouds separately.

but there is a big problem that I don’t know how to fix.
the rendered clouds are just black and white and with alpha of course, and after composite they can’t retain their original color and look .

please look at the pictures.
how I can manage to render the render layers to gain the original look ( which everything is in a single render pass)?

please help me with this
thank you in advance

Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

Name:	Flying Petranos Original.jpg
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ID:	11509

Click image for larger version

Name:	Flying Petranos Composed.jpg
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ID:	11510