Spline Warp Issue

I’m new to Nuke and am having a problem with the Spline Warp. When copying and pasting keys from my source curves to my destination curves my mask keyframes became all twisted. How do I delete the keyframes in my mask bezier? I would delete the warp mask, but I don’t know of a way to make a new one without losing all my source curve data.

Pythoned Group nodes attribute disapears

I’m starting programming in python for nuke. I’ve done a script that checks an exr contents and creates a grouped comp tree based on it. For each layer in the exr file I create a colorCorrect node and publish some of its attributes in a group. Everything goes Ok until the user saves and reopens the file. When we do this, all of the published attributes dissapear.


if doGroup:
        grp = nuke.nodes.Group()
        readNode = nuke.nodes.Input()

...Create nodes based in an exr contents here and append all created color correct nodes into colorCorrectList variable ...       
if doGroup:
    for index, cc in enumerate(colorCorrectList):
        tabKnob = nuke.Tab_Knob(shuffleList[index].name())

How to install Nuke on Ubuntu !!!


I just installed Linux on my PC yesterday and tried to make Nuke worked on Linux…
I’m so confused about what they said on the Nuke user menu. I am wondering if someone could clearly show me step by step about Nuke installation on Ubuntu 10.04.

My question is:

If Nuke on Linux must be installed under the "root" directory, not the "user" (for example, I give it a name: zhimama) ? I tried to install Nuke under "zhiamam" directory, after finishing the installation I couldn’t install license. The user guide says that Nuke will be installed under the /usr/local/ directory. I guess it means Nuke should be installed under "root" diractory not "zhimama" directory.
Please correct if my understanding is correct. If it is, could you tell me how to access to "root" directory step by step and install Nuke ? I am really new to Linux OS…

Basically, My mehtod was that I downloaded and uncompressed Nuke files and put it on the desktop my of computer.

The name of that extracted file folder is called: Nuke6.1v1-linux-x86-release-64
I followed Nuke user guide to type commands in terminal but it showed me error…
I guess if I install Nuke successfully, it would be installed under the "root" directory. However, I used a simply way which was just double click the installation icon and installed it but it showed me my Nuke would be installed under "zhimama" directory, not the "root".

I am wondering if someone can show me how to do it in a proper way so Nuke can be installed at:
mkdir /usr/local/Nuke6.1v1


environment reflection based on materials BRDF?


From the info I’ve gathered so far, doing environment reflection in Nuke is limited to throwing env. reflection onto all objects/whole image based on a universal BRDF (Phong or Blinn) regardless the scene objects own BRDF (ex. car’s paint, rubber tire, and chrome with varied glossy reflection).

I am wondering if it is possible to do accurate environment reflection based on materials BRDF in Nuke (as interactive as possible). For example, if its is possible to bake (or render a pass) environment reflection look-up of various materials in a scene into textures/point-cloud/Ptex or any form of data structure, then one can use it as a lookup to the environment map to get "per-material" environment reflection in Nuke? Kind of like a reflection vector pass but with the glossiness information of various materials contained for env. reflection look-up.

Hope my question makes sense and correct me if any info I mentioned is incorrect.


Beginner question

How do I get two transform nodes to act as one. I need a mask to follow a transform node I am moving around.

squeezed footage

working with anamorphic footage in nuke 6… is there any way of viewing the anamorphic footage and working with it so it doesn’t look squeezed?
for example in Shake you could change the proxy settings to view at .833 or .705 etc… I’ve tried a few things but nothing seems to ‘un-squeeze’ it, my footage is 1440:1080…

manage user knob- request

This my other request. I will be happy if the ‘manage user knob’ window has an ‘apply’ button rather than only ‘done’. Right now everytime finishing edit expression on my user knob, i have to press ‘done’ which will close the window, then test the expression, if something goes wrong i have to reopen the ‘manage user knob’ window again. I have to do this many times again and again as i evaluate the script in my knob. So i recommend ‘apply’ button so i can apply the new changes immadiately without closing the window, this way i can easily inspecting my expression/knob, test it and modify it really fast. Adding this button won’t hurt anyone 😀

Just my thought.

python – how trigger action using custom pulldown

Hi, i create gizmo and add custom pulldown menu (using ‘add’ not ‘pick’), so i want to use this pulldown to trigger some action everytime i select/modify it. The problem i can’t use the addKnobChanged() function to track the changes , since this function won’t read action from custom button/slider of a gizmo. Can anyone help?


Nuke root vs Root ?

1. Can anyone explain to me the different of root vs Root in python?
example : to give default format to Nuke, in menu.py i have to type: nuke.knobDefault(‘Root.format’,’HD’), this Root with uppercase ‘R’ , this won’t work with lowercase ‘root’. So the ‘Root’ act like a Node name and ‘format’ is the knob.

Now if i go inside the Nuke, in script editor , if i want to change the format i have to type : nuke.toNode(‘root’)[‘format’].setValue(‘HD’). As i know the Node name should be ‘Root’ not ‘root’ but this time, ‘root’ is the one which is working , and ‘Root’ is not acceptable.

2. Also how can i get the global format setting by using python. I try these syntax with no luck :

the only way i ussually use is using nuke.tcl(‘value root.format.width’). But i’m just curious why that scripts is not working? in fact i can get value from other node using that syntax, for example : nuke.toNode(‘Text1’)[‘opacity’].value(.5) …..Can anyone help me?

3. How to lock the knob/parameter by using python script?

4. I found the nuke-python documentation is not friendly enough 🙁


fattening the actor.!!

i have a shot in which the actor’s stunt is making a jump,but he is not as fat as the actor, so any suggestion on how can i go forward ,on what base and road map.?!:rollbaby: