Simple Rendering Question (I think)

This seems like it should be the most simplistic thing to do but I have search for hours and hours with no luck. I’m using Maya 2011 and trying to render this scene WITHOUT the plane itself. I need the shadows from the sphere that appear on the plane and the reflection of the plane color on the chrome sphere. I used the plane for 2 reasons. To generate that shadow and to reflect the color of the jacuzzi top. Using IBL and I know this is probably a dirty way to achieve this effect but I’m still learning and am concerned with bigger issues right now 😉


Attached Thumbnails

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what to cut?? (last half of the demo)

I have quite a few feed backs from this demo and I was told that the school at the last half of the demo has some bad texturing, I could easily go back and fix it but I have two other projects that I am going to add to this so I thought It would be better to just cut a section or two out completely, but I don’t want to edit out the entire school just yet.

I need some outside help and opinions
the scenes are labeled at the bottom right corner.

maya 2011 layer nameing issu while rendering

i referenced one maya file to the new Maya with layers
and i set file name prefix <Scene>/<RenderLayer>/<RenderLayer>
but while rendering batch render
Maya creating 1st a new folder i.e name-space of layers which is come from referenced file and after that start using the name prefix
for every layer .. i checked in 2008/09/10/11 .. is this Maya bug?
is there any solution to fix this issue?
For temporary i am duplicating all the layers and rendering
Thx in advanced 🙂

ncloth component on component constraint issues

I am making a dress with ncloth
I have read in a few places that a great method to get realistic cloth is to cut the dress patterns and then "sew" it together using constraints.

I have modelled a simple front and back panel of a dress. I am using component on component nconstraints to link them together.
I was hoping to animate the strength of the constraints slowly in interactive mode to sew the seams

I have set my constraints to the weld method
My issue is that when I animate the strength or glue strength the constraints will snap at the higher values and not gently interpolate together as I intended

Anyone had any experience with this workflow?

Basefount announcing Miarmy Maya Plugin AI, crowd, physX, Render

Hi, everyone, thanks for reading this,

After 9 months development, Miarmy(called My Army or Miami) is coming.
Miarmy is a brand new Autodesk Maya plug-in set, focus on behavioral animation, crowd sims, physical sims, and Renderman render.

Watch the HD teaser demo on Youtube HD:
Hope you enjoy it!

The reason of our development is that we want to provide another solution which simpler and faster way to create crowd effect just inside of Maya itself.

Miarmy Engine is a tree-structural hierarchical priority decision node system, it can defuzz and create neural network automatically underground without user defining and knowing it.
Decision node, which contains inner priority ranking and fuzzy logic condition, is the unit in tree structure.
Decision node can make decision through condition.

So, no programming and node connection needed!!

Miarmy is not a particle system, we re-write all bone and animation nodes.
Miarmy take PhysX 3.0 integrated. It is diversity, extensible, efficient and promising.
Miarmy support FBIK, Human IK, and any one-bone-chain setup system.
Miarmy uses one-click rendering pipeline, get rid of advanced render setup, support Maya light and shader, etc. Based on 3delight API
Miarmy is based on Maya API, it’s easy for upgrading.

Massive Prime is better than Miarmy in:
Massive has more mature system channels and many presets.
Massive is more flexible in brain building
Massive has action and brain layer (Miarmy 1.5 will provide sub-agent to achieve this)
Massive has IK and RC curve
Massive can re-target to Motion Tree after physical sims turning on
Massive support fur rendering
Massive has parenting channel
Massive can spawn agents.

We have a long journey to go !!

Features List Detail:…atureList.aspx

Follow us:

Basefount Technology (Hong Kong) Limited
(C) 2011 Basefount

playblasting maya camera sequencer with HUD info

I am using the camera sequencer to setup my scene and then export/playblast to editorial for previs. Is there an option in preferences that allows me to playblast the sequence with the HUD info for each camera burned in? I know how to do this on a per shot basis, but I can’t seem to find that option when playblasting the sequence

Looking for high-poly creature/monster/zombie models…

Can anyone recommend an online resource for high-poly, jointed/rigged characters? A quick google search turns up about half a dozen sites but the models are low-poly and somewhat amateur. If you’re a pro modeler maybe you have some characters for sale? Thanks!

Texture Pelting & UV Texture Unwrap


Simple question, is Texture Pelting and UV Texture Unwrap the same thing just called different names or are the different.

If they are different, how?

Many thanks,


Compositing Help!!!


I want to do a project where I am video tapping a scene with someone talking and a lion walking around. If I’m not mistaken, I would have to shoot a live lion walking around with a green screen or make a lion completely from scratch in Maya.

Is this right or do I have other options?

maya ncloth (dragon wings)

does anyone know the best way to go about doing an ncloth sim for dragon wings?

the dragon is modelled and rigged… I get an obj and mdd from from the animators so I can do the sim in maya.

the problem I am having is that because the wing is double sided (thick fleshy wings) im getting a huge amount of penetration between the top and bottom membranes.

I first tried simming a single sided polygon which lay between the top and bottom layers and then constraining the top and bottom layers to the simmed mesh, this worked to some extent but as soon as the dragon folds its wings up im still getting penetrations.

the next thing i tried was to make the entire dragon ncloth and then paint an input attract so that only the wings segments simmed.
turning on self collisions stopped most of the penetrations but still the wings freak out and collide as soon as it folds up its wings.

does anyone know the correct workflow for something like this ive been looking around for info online and cannot seem to find anything helpfull.

how did they do "how to train your dragon" ? or harry potter dragons
i guess its specfically written software…dunno

help ! im pulling my hair out here !