Visual Result from Softbodie and Field

Hey all, I’m very new to this aspect and am experiementing with it in my own free time.

I wanted to try my hand at creating this unique effect:

Quote the creator: "The method is quite straight ahead:
Softbodies in Maya on a hi-res NURBS cylinder. Turbulence fields. X-Ray Shader with Sampler Info and ramp on transparency (you should find tutorials on how to build an X-Ray Shader). A Ramp on the color as well. Some Tweaking. Color correction in After-Effects with Hue/Saturation mostly and some colored layers."

Now, I decided to jump into my copy of maya and see if I couldn’t at least create the form. This is where my question starts. I can’t seem to get a visual representation of the turbulent field to display so I know if its working or not. Maybe the way I’m trying this is wrong, I don’t know. Some insight would be great in this.

Here’s my process so far:

•Create a Nurb cylinder
•Increase the subdivisions by a substantial amount
•With the cylinder selected I go to "Soft/Rigid Bodies" > "Create soft body"
•Then "Fields" > "Turbulence", and from here, I mess around with the various options for turbulence, but I’m not seeing any visual feedback of the results. Clearly i’m missing a step in my process, can anyone explain what I need to do to see the turbulence’s results?

Much appreciated.

Any Built in equivalent of GI_joe?

Hi guys,

Anybody knows if there is a built-in equivalent of GI_joe.mel from in Maya 2008? It’s purpose is to take a photograph or render of a final environnement and create simulated image-based global illumination.

Thank you for the information

Ring of Fire

Hey there,
I’m a student currently trying to recreate the scene from the movie STEALTH where one plane flies through a ring of jet fuel in mid air causing a massive ring shaped explosion. I’m just having issues getting the fluid textures to look right. I have gnomonworkshop, digital tutors, and modernMayhem tutorials for fluids but I really havn’t seen anything that goes over texturing fluids in elaborate detail.

My approach right now is to make 3 different fluid containers. One for the jet’s flames, one for the gas in the air, and one for the explosion afterward. I will then through expressions use the container from the jet to ignite the fuel in one container which will then transfer its heat to the explosion container. I figure I have to do this in order to be able to texture the gas differently from the explosion. I have no problem getting the explosion to look right, but the veiny, wispy fluid for the gas is giving me trouble. Attached is the 3sec clip that I am trying to recreate. If anyone knows a good workflow for obtaining this look or knows of a tutorial that goes over texturing fluids in-depth it would be greatly appriciated. Also if you think of a better way of going about this I would love to hear it.


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