Maya x_x (automatically re-open recovery scene file after crash, OS X)

Maya x_x is an AppleScript application based off of a fantastic shell script written by Dave Girard to easily open the recovery file Maya generates when it crashes.

Lots of info on my site:

Maya x_x

Medieval Flail with hair Rig

Hi there!

I’ve been trying to get this Medieval Flail simulation to work, and I’m trying it with a hair simulation rig. I’m using Maya 2011.

I have the chain working but I can’t get the ball to be part of the simulation! I can’t attach it to the end of my chain.

Y modeled the chain (combined all the links), I have joints on it, made a CV crv and make that one a Hair, then I’m making an IK Handle and using that Hair as the IK curve, so when I shake it the chain reacts to the shake, but I just can’t get the ball (right now a simple sphere) to follow the last link of my chain.

Any ideas? :radar:

Skinning: Add Influence

Hi there,
I have a completed, weighted character mesh, now I want to add a little bone under the arm to move the back very little.

When I use the "Add Influence" option – I’ve tried every setting.
It puts a lot of extreme weighting on this little bone and ruins my weighting in the arms, shoulders, back, etc.

Does anyone know how to add this new joint into the influence of the mesh with just the bare minimum of weight, so I can slowly, gently Paint Weights onto it and carefully grow its influence in a small area?

Please help, I’m running out of time. Thanks in advance.

DEM images for mountain ranges

Im working on a personal piece and i need some realistic mountain ranges.

I’ve been looking into DEM images to use as a base for background mountain ranges, but was wondering if anyone had a link or any resources on this subject??

Specifically stuff geared more towards vfx and motion pictures. I’ve found a ton of stuff from government and satellite websites.

Anyone else use this stuff ? Is it worth looking into for mountain ranges and terrain??

How to activate pivot points in Maya 2011 on MacBook Pro?

I am following the tutorials on page 60 of the “Introducing Maya 2011” by Derakhshani. I am using a MacBook Pro 17” and he says to use the “Home” button on the Mac to activate the pivot point so that I can move the pivot point from its origin of (0,0,0) to the center of a sphere object. However, there is no dedicated “Home” key on the MacBook Pro. Instead, the Mac help literature says to click the Command button and left arrow button at the same time to activate the “Home” key. This does not activate the pivot point. Is there another way to do this?


MAX > MAYA transition question

Hello everybody!

As a Max user I find it a bit strange how primitives behave in Maya.

The problem is when I select vertex A vertex B is selected too (see files in attachment). Furthermore, if I move vertex A along axis Z, B does the same movement!
How to avoid this? What if I want to move vertex A only?

Any help is appreciated:)

Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

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Views:	N/A
Size:	45.3 KB
ID:	10907

Click image for larger version

Name:	box2.jpg
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Size:	45.5 KB
ID:	10908

Command Line Rendering with Maya 2011

Just something that I come up with related with command line rendering for Maya 2011.
This is the result of research over the internet and some books that I have. Not an very difficult thing to do but i think that for newbies like me this will help to understand the way it can be done. You can find the explanation in the following link:


Attached Files
File Type: zip (16.7 KB)

Maya particles

Hello folks,

I’m trying to connect a field and particles at runtime. I wrote it on a runtime expression. Its connecting but in the next frame its throwing error.

How can I stop the error or catch the error and to delete the expression?

Someone please share your views on this issue.

Thank you. 🙂

how to make reallistic under water scene

hi all
please can anyone help me out making a reallistic underwater scene i.e. how many light pass is required and how do i compose them to get reallistic output.

How to render Proxy OBJs?

Hello friends,

How do we render a Polygon object as an OBJ file with less resolution? Currently my polygon (a terrain) has many faces and I want a proxy OBJ model out of it to use in Nuke for camera projection.

Is there a way we can do this in Maya? In Vue there is an option for "resolution" when exporting OBJ’s.

Hope I made sense. Kindly let me know.

Tried the Reduce Polycount inside of Maya, but it is messing up the geometry