What exists for maya?
What exists for maya?
Camera projection / setup
Posted in: MayaI’m having a big issue with camera projection in Maya. You will earn "hero" status with me if you can point me in the right direction
I cannot line up geometry with Imported footage from HDC-TM90 (HDC-SD90).
I’ve entered the parameters according to the manual but my geometry (table) is way too big.
The camera is "roughly" in the right position – but I’m not even near an approximate size.
Measurements for the geometry (only one table in this case) is correct.
I’ve attached jpeg and scene file. What am I missing ?
Do I have the camera parameters wrong (though they are taken from the manual).
Maya/Camera setup (the parameters I’ve entered):
Focal length (35mm equivalent): 28
Aperture size (1/4"): 0.125×0.09
Camcorder specs:
Many thanks for any help/pointers
VRAY For MAYA – Smooth priveiw render
Posted in: Mayai just not able to find the solution for that
i want to render the smooth preview just like mental ray.
is there any option available in vray.
and one more thing..
how can i create infinite plane in maya vray.
please help me .. :confused:
mayapy always crashes on exit
Posted in: MayaI am running scripts using mayapy.
I had to import the pymel.core module to initialise maya so I could call a certain MEL function that was otherwise unavailable.
My script runs fine but always crashes without fail on the exit() command
I have also tried sys.exit(0) and os._exit(0)
all of these commands crash instead of exiting.
is there a better method of exiting a script without returning a fault?
Vray for Maya – UV Pass for Nuke
Posted in: Mayaany tips or an example on how to?
Thank You.
Render passes problem with HDR
Posted in: MayaI have a scene in Maya which is lit only by a HDRI. I am trying to render out my scene is passes so that I can comp them in Nuke. The masterbeauty pass looks great but other passes like diffuse, shadow etc are rendering out black only.
Please help!!
Priyank Murarka
Imported Animation scene slow if I scale?
Posted in: MayaI setup a simple rubik’s cube in a maya scene, made it a active rigid body, gave some gravity and turbulence. Play animation and it simulates fine and fast
Now, I match move a scene and import the FBX into Maya. Then I import my rubik cube animation into this scene and the animation is fine and plays fast.
But the imported scene (rubik’s cube) is too large for the FBX imported scene, so I try to scale and match the camera. The moment I scale, the simulation of the Rubik’s cube becomes very very slow, 1 minute per frame on the viewport??
Is there any reasoning behind this? Is this the right work flow?
Texture Speckle
Posted in: MayaI tried moving the max samples from 2 to 4, but its not the problem. I checked to ensure its not the geometry or uv issues. Not it.
It’s only one piece so I don’t know. I need this angle. I’m unsure what is going on.
Por favor ayuda
*Its not like banding or speckling really, more like the texture moves some when animated. It’s weird.
Create follicles…
Posted in: MayaHow to create follicles in Maya?
And what is the major use of it?
OpenEXR format rendering?
Posted in: MayaWe are doing a 3d project in which we are rendering the shots through software lighting.
Actually we finished all stuff and we are completely stopped at lighting & rendering stage.
We are doing layer pass rendering so that we can edit each and every pass in DF while compositing.
But here am facing a problem,We are getting each seperate folder for each seperate pass and getting lot of confusion in checking the render data as there are 24 folders for each shot including Bg and characters.
I heard that through open exr format I can get only one image for each frame in which I will have all pases which I can split and edit in nuke later.
Is it true if it is true?
Will it works for software lighting & rendering pipeline also?
How to make openexr render by z depth and rgb manuvally created layers?
How to creat rgb pass for openexr format render?
If it works for only mental ray pipeline,Is there any other format in software lighting which haves similar properties?
If it is only there in mentalray pipeline means,Is there any drastic render time difference will come for me…If I render things in mental ray from now onwards?
Or else,Is there any other way for me to give best out put with less number of passes with less render time?
Is there any other plugin or other software to help me out in all rendering troubles….