it is shoot with RED and used 16mm lens.
can you help me with settings in boujou?
when I track with wizard point are tracjed finean result fits on footage but helpers geometri is messed up. where helpers should form rectangle the du distort one. can you help me?
Does some one know of a tutorial that explains this process or does any one have experience with this problem????
PLzzzzz Help me out-problem in adding userfeatuer after adding autofeature
Posted in: Matchmoving SoftwareI am tacking a table stand placed in very reflective room.
firstly i masked all the reflection area and than i did autofeature tracking and remove badly tracked feature and solve the camera my result was good.
The problem is that when i add user feature to find the position of the top of table and solve the camera my all solution get spoiled and if solve only user feature than camera projection of user feature was totally red.
I have my camera Canon Vixia HF S20
I have no idea what is Filmback and where I can see it. Can u please help me?
From specifications it says:
Lens: f=6.4-64 mm, F/1.8-3.0
35 mm equivalent.
Movies: 43.5 -435mm
Photos: (L, M, S): 39.9-399mm
Photos: (LW,MW): 43.5-435mm
On camera lens I see: 6.4-64mm, 1:1.8
58mm filter diameter. +I use 82mm wideangle lens.
So, I have no idea what filmback size I have to use.
Okay, so second step in tracking is find a lens-distortion.
You all saw a tutorial on 3DE website where you can find lens-distortion by Modern-Grid. So I took a photo from my camera (with wideangle lens) and I want to find lens-distortion, but I don’t know what picture I have to use in there, 16×9 or 4×3?
Please take a look those photos:
16×9 – photo while I’ve shot a video
4×3 – regular photo from camcorder:
I bought my camera to become 3D Matchmoving guy 🙂 hehehe and I really want to know 3DE and other tracking software.
So from tutorial on a website it says enter a real-filmback size:
(from tutorial they knew CCD chip size from somewhere)
I decided to use 36.00mm Filmback Width, because on lens it says "35 mm equivalent." (36mm x 24mm) but its for 4×3 and I know I use 16×3 dimension and I simply entered – 36.00mm and it shows me 20x2875mm for Filmback HEIGHT. I know I have 4×3 CCD chip, but for video it uses only some half of that chip, I hope it uses full width but half height, that’s why I believe to program.
Also I decided to enter 6.400 mm for Focal Length – because on my lens says f=6.4-64 mm, and on EXIF information from photos it says 6.4mm, but when I calculated it on 3DE it says 31.0194mm – maybe because I use WIDEANGLE Lens attached.
Then I checked everything on Distortion-Grid and it worked pretty well:
(please look to the bottom line)
What do you guys think about it? Am I going right way? Please tell me more about right ways and how it should work. What if I don’t know CCD chip size at all? Just imagine I’ve downloaded some good video from the Internet and I have to track it, I don’t know how to find LensDistortion and Focal Length from nothing.
P.S. Sorry for my english, I’m not a native speaker.
If you look to the right, about 1/3 of the image is repeated. This is driving me mad.
If I do ‘solve’ with selected range (cca600 frames) so it does more solving cameras called ‘Camera solve 1,2,3….’. How I can combine solves?
Please help. 🙁
I have the PFmatch for Shake which Pixelfarm gave away for free when Apple stopped selling Shake. But I have yet to touch it.
But I have also "moved on" from Shake to Fusion and I’m not sure if I could still use the PFmatch within Shake for matchmoving shots which I will comp in Fusion or if it’s not a good idea/possible? Can I export my data to Fusion? I thought that would spare me from buying another matchmover at least for the moment. But I have yet to find any info if it’s possible or not. I couldn’t manage to do it.
And while we are at it, what is the main different between the PFmatch plug-in and PFtrack (besides the later being a stand alone)?
Object Tracking in Stereo
Posted in: Matchmoving Software1.) What trackers are capable of object tracking in Stereo 3D? I know PFTrack is, but I don’t think Boujou and Matchmover are. The biggest key is to track an object in Stereo 3D without having to individually track the left and right channels separately and composite them in Nuke later. That’s a hassel that we’re trying avoid if necessary, though we are open to it if there’s no other option, but we know there is.
2.) When you want to track an object in a shot with a moving camera, do you track the camera and the object separately? Does it matter if the camera is moving in a shot when you’re just trying to pull an object track (parallax change is parallax change)?
i’m still learning matchmoving, and i’ve always been wondering how to survey points, so i thought it would be a good idea to take measurements of the location that was shot and use that info to help boujou determine the depth. So i took measurements of all the DEPTH measurements in centimeters (so no height, no width since boujou did all of that fine). and i punched them in boujou to the according target tracks (in the Z part), but then the solve wont’ change!!!
then again, i’m not even sure how this survey thing works, or what method to make it function. but yeah i tried putting in a positive or a negative number for Z, but nothin, absolutely nothin.
so what am i doing wrong here? and is there a way i can like take points of a solve and say like "HERE THIS IS THE FRONT AND THIS IS THE BACK"?????