Autodesk Matchmover freezing

hi i need some help or advice. im having a problem with matchmover where it is literally freezing, if i try to move in the window, like zoom in or pan, the only fix is to start task manager switch to another program then switch back to matchmover and not pan or zoom, but this is really frustrating especially when trying to place track points.

is anyone else having this problem and does anyone know a solution? i have my images cached. but im thinking that maybe my image sequence is just to big for matchmover to cope. 🙁

Nuke X 3d Camera traking to Softimage – Workflow ideas?

Hi ! I tracked a panoramic shot using Nuke X camera tracker and exported to FBX file. The tracking is near perfection with only good green tracks. The problem occurs once the new camera created with the FBX is in Softimage. First the scale of my scene is way bigger than the camera tracking tracking points cloud. Is there any ways to align back the original plate with this new camera. I tried to find some infos on a workflow from Nuke to XSI but there is about nothing available anywhere.



Science D Visions 3DEqualizer Weta Digital LDPK Nuke Nodes

Dear Friends of 3DE!

It turned out that our new lens distortion models, recently introduced with 3DE4 r1b10, are much more powerful than our "vintage" classic one.

To make them even more powerful, in terms of integration into production pipelines, our friends at Weta Digital developed a Nuke node infrastructure which is based on our lens distortion SDK (LDPK).

The cool thing is, they released their work as open source:

Nuke nodes for 3D Equalizer lens distortion plugin kit

In addition, there is a 3DE4 Python script which allows to create a Nuke 3DE distortion node (.nk), compatible to the currently selected camera (incl. dynamic lens distortion):

Export Nuke Distortion Nodes v1.2

Many thanks to Peter Hillman, Wolfgang Niedermeier and Lee Bramwell!


Rolf /devblog

No pointcloud when exporting from syntheyes

I have the exact same problem as in this thread…027.html(using syntheyes 2008). Problem is, the solution in that thread dosent help me.

Does anyone have another solution?

Pftrack to nuke

Is there a way to export object tracking to nuke? when i export as a nuke script it only export the camera movemente not the object ( i made 2 separate groups ) and when i export as fbx and use a readgeo to bring it in nuke it imports the geometry but with no movement, can anyone help me with that?

Rolling Shutter….?

Hi everybody i want to learn something about Rolling Shutter. I heard that fxphd contains best videos about Rolling Shutter. Anyone could know in which course it was………?

Matchmoving help……..?

here is the shot i tried it in boujou but grid going with camera movement any one could help me……….?…96/highway.avi

Regarding Tutorial

to all the VFX artist out there, i place a request that , if anyone knows where i can avail free Boujou or PFtrack Or Houdini Tutorials ,please do let me know the link, coz outrageously i’m in need of it.

Cropped sensor & Focal Length

So I’ve read a couple of threads on cropped sensors, but I’m still a bit confused.
Does matchmoving software need the original lens Focal Length or the resulting Focal Length after the crop is multiplied?

For example, I’m using a canon 60D (1.6 crop) with a 50mm prime lens. Do I tell PfTrack I’m using a 50mm lens or an 80mm lens?
(50mm X 1.6 crop = 80mm)

Pftrack approximates the lens at 35mm, which is not even close. Syntheyes approximates the lens at 50mm, which sounds right, but I’m not sure if it’s correct.

I’m getting a solid track regardless, but I’m just wondering…

Matchmoving fotages……?

Could anyone tell me where can i get matchmoving footages in internet…….?