blue screen circular tracking

I’m curently working on a circular tracking shot and i have some difficulties to have a good solution. I have a better solution at the end of the shot than in the beginning.
I have trying different appraoch like user, automatic, tracking. mixed of both. I have extract some clean (without motion blur) frame fome differents takes to use as references.
The only info i have is the film back.
I think my bigest isue is the size of motion blur and the lake of marker at the font of the shot. But it’s like that :cool:.

I ‘m coming to know if maybe someone have adifferent approach. and to have some answere for those questions:

– In this case is it better to set the auto track as a free move or maybe something else (none).

– in this case where do you put your initial frame?

– is it an obligation to undistord the picture before tracking (and how can i undistord this picture (where are the straightline for y))?

– in Pftrack, when you use a user track and it failed, is it a good idea to use the hide function and later replace the tracker and continue. Or simply create a new tracker

– In pfT solver do you change the camera Translation and/or Rotation?

Thank you for all ideas



Image Modeling in PFtrack

Hello all,

Does anyone know how to refine the z-depth information that is created with a track in pftrack?

I set up a auto track node and set the candidate numbers to 300 with a target number of 150, thinking that the more trackers i have the better the mesh would be. It seems that the mesh is moving closer to the throughout the track.

Can anyone help me out or point me in the right direction?? Thanks in advance.

How do i rescale footage in PFtrack???

Footage 720hd. 1280 x 720

Hey guys how do I rescale footage so that when I import the scene into Maya it isn’t humongous in size?

pftrack 2011 problem

after i exported object tracking locators from pftrack 2011.1.3 all the locators which are supposed to be animated (from the OBJECT TRACK in pftrack) end up sitting still (no keyframes) bunched up in the viewport of Maya or fusion .

i used a make object tool like the official tutorial said but nothing happened 😡

Tracking very difficult shots, please help!

I’m using PFTrack to pull matchmoves on 20 different fx shots for an upcoming indie war movie. More than half of them tracked fine, some requiring tweaking and trickery (crunching the contrast, etc). The issue is that there’s a few shots that flat out WILL NOT TRACK. one of them is because of bad motion blur so all the features are unable to hold and thus the camera cannot solve. Another is a track sideways looking through the gaps between the trailer and the truck of a semi, but the actual focal point is only in shot for about 5 seconds and the trackers can’t get a lock.

These shots have no distortion grid and I have no information about the focal length or film back, etc. In addition, there’s no preset track points (I have to use whatever is in the scene).

This sounds pretty longwinded, but I was wondering if anyone on here had experience with the really REALLY tricky matchmoves and if they’d be willing to impart any wisdom upon me. I’d post the clips but unfortunately I’m not allowed.

What I’ve tried thus far:
– crunched the contrast of the shot to create more hard points
– garbage matted whatever was moving
– increased target features
– lowered tracking threshold
– estimated focal length and oriented scene

As I said, some shots will track but can’t solve. Some will just boot me out of the track altogether. The option is always there to tell the director that these shots simply cannot be tracked, but I need to be 100% sure that I’ve exhausted every option.


Scene Alignment Problem

Hello everyone,
I’m having a problem with the alignement of a scene after tracking.
I’m using Syntheyes and I’ve done some manual trackers and some automatic trackers. Then i solved the scene and I’ve made some clean up work to make the path of the camera looking better. The error is 0.3 pixel. I tried to export the scene to maya only to see if it’s looking realistic and it is. The only problem is that I cannot find a way to align it correctly. I tried different approach: alignment with lines, alignment with corner system (origin, point on X and point on ground plane XZ), alignement using only the origin and then rotating and moving the scene manually. All the results aren’t good because the ground plane grid is sliding during frames and that, of course, cause the sliding of the geometries.
Do I missed something in the process I used?
PS Excuse me If I missed any kind of information you should have or my post is not perfect as this is my first post here

PFtrack & realflow for milk pour…help!!!

Hey guys I’m a noob when it comes to this so I’ll be clear as possible.

Currently I am working on a short film. One of the shots show a person pouring milk out of a carton. The film is shot in live action however I want to insert 3d animation for the carton and the milk.

Im using

Maya 2011 for the modelling & rendering,
PFtrack for the tracking composition and
Realflow 5 for the milk effect.

I insert the 3d carton into PFtrack and use its tracking to link the 3d object to the live action footage. Exporting this into Maya shows that the camera moves and not the 3d carton.


How am I supposed to get the carton to pour milk if the 3d carton doesnt move? Realflow requires the 3d object to move as to get the physics, right?

I hope this is clear enough, im tearing my hair out here any help would be fab


First test on Matchmoving – Need some C&C

Hello guys,
I am learning matchmove, and need some suggestions and tips to improve the output.
Heres a simple shot which I have worked on lemme know ur views on this one

Thanx & Regards

PFtrack: Aligning Geometry in multiple Shots


I have to track an animals head. Its the same animal in diffrent Shots from diffrent angels.

After Solving i set the Eye distance to the real measured distance. Then I export to Maya, there I align the same head wich the animator will use to the solved pointcloud. After I aligned it, I create a Loactor so he can just constrain his Rig to it, so it will match.

I find this workflow pretty complicated and undhandy, doing it for all Shots. Is there a way to align the head automatically to the solved points, so I dont have to match it in all Shots manual?? If someone has an better Workflow or tipps i would be very pleased 🙂

thanks in advance

pftrack tracking geometry

when i am going to track my face
where can i download the face model for tracking??