Solving Pan’s in PFTrack

So far the only solve I’ve had success with is a shot from one of Victors PFT classes.
I decided to go out and shoot my own one on Sunday, I took plenty of reference images and kept in mind having at least 1 single point for the software to use. Obviously having done Victors class last year, I know what I should be doing, so pretty much wanted to emulate what had been done.

I’ve done all of the typical stuff, undistorted the footage and reference frames, removed any rolling shutter artefacts etc

A 24mm lens was used, so I’ve put that down as ‘approximately known’ and have obviously set the camera to ‘rotation only’ in the motion type.

I’ll post up some screen shots shortly.
But in the mean time, has anyone come across typical problems which cause them to solve badly ?

lens distortion ?

how to solve lens distortion in boujou and pf track ?

parallax error ?

how to matchmove a parallax error shot in boujou or pf track and how to place a patch in that track ?

Boujou 5 – Maya Tutorials

Dear All,

I am in desperate need of some new Boujou – Maya tutorials, I found the odd one or two but there doesn’t’ seam to be much about I have tried one of the gnome boujou ones didn’t have much luck I know it was for Boujou 3 and I am using Boujou 5, and there seamed to be some difference I am not sure if they are significant or not but I kept having scaling issues when I imported the file into Maya and trying to orient any thing in Maya was a nightmare. It may well have been my fault but I am not sure what the problem was, any ways your help would be much appreciated.



video format can be tracked?

can anybody tell me, whether a video file can be tracked? or just image formats only possible? boujou/pftrak/syntheyes/matchmover?

In desperate need of help :( PFTrack

Hey guys,
So we have our mid term coming up and I have this footage that needs to be tracked for it. I am a beginner in PFTrack and have successfully done tracks with 2 different videos that were relatively easy. This new footage that our teacher shot and gave us has nothing good to track and its blurry as hell :'(
Would someone who knows PFTrack mind taking a look at my track and maybe giving me some pointers? It would be much appreciated.

So it does solve, but the solve is HORRIBLE ;'(

Last 2 % of track

Hey all. I have a shot wich im trying to track but when taking it into maya, putting in some test objects its slipping, its very subtle but enought to tell that the cg isnt matching correctly.

How do u guys do the last 2% of the track to get it supergood?
I have tried various things, thou nothing relly seems to make any difference.

Is it a bad practice to change the keyframes in maya on the pftrack cam? like forbidden or a big nono?

seems like this must be very common? getting a track that is 98% correct but still fails cause of those 2% clearly shows that its sliding.

All hints and tips are very welcome!


please help

i everyone I need a urgent help in tracking using matchmover software

i m doing a project where I m tracking a hand in matchmover software can someone tell why I m not getting the track data correct and also y cant solve the cam…I m doing the manual tracking for the hand also using just one cam for the capture

here is image…

HELP! Please!! This is sooooo frustrating!

Hi all, this is my first time posting and I’m new to using PFTrack with Cinema 4D. I’m having an issue I’m sure has been covered before somewhere regarding 3D objects NOT STICKING in C4D. Okay, here’s what I’m dealing with.
1. I do a simple tracking shot in PFtrack. Track sticks perfectly.
2. I import the Lightwave file into Cinema 4D. I see all the tracking points.
3. As a test I drop an object on to the points and it sticks like glue.
4. Then I add the background footage via bg-material etc. THEN
5. It not longer sticks. Everything is all out of whack.

Here’s what I tried as possible solutions.
1. I checked the frame rates in both Pftrack AND C4D. Made sure they matched.
2. I checked the pixel aspect in both programs. Yup, their the same.
3. I even slipped the camera key frames in C4D which seemed to help a bit but the track still shakes unacceptably.

Again, I check the frame rates in all areas where frame rate can be checked. Been trying to fix this for 3 days now and I’m at my wits end. I’ve seen numerous tutorials on PFTrack or SYNTHEYES to C4D. I’ve followed step by step to no avail. Does ANYONE have any clue what I’m missing? I know its something small. Again. Help. Thanks a ton in advance.

boujou5 radial distortion parameters ??

Hi there..

2 problems

1. I wanted to know where i can find the Optimize radial distortion parameter in Boujou 5.

just cant to seem to find the option under 3d track> solve adust.

2. How do i change the frame rate normally found in camera settings

dont know where the option is in v5.

pls help!!!
