Solving Pan’s in PFTrack

So far the only solve I’ve had success with is a shot from one of Victors PFT classes.
I decided to go out and shoot my own one on Sunday, I took plenty of reference images and kept in mind having at least 1 single point for the software to use. Obviously having done Victors class last year, I know what I should be doing, so pretty much wanted to emulate what had been done.

I’ve done all of the typical stuff, undistorted the footage and reference frames, removed any rolling shutter artefacts etc

A 24mm lens was used, so I’ve put that down as ‘approximately known’ and have obviously set the camera to ‘rotation only’ in the motion type.

I’ll post up some screen shots shortly.
But in the mean time, has anyone come across typical problems which cause them to solve badly ?

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