Motionographer Jobs 2.0

Photo by Marius Kallhardt

Last week, the Motionographer Jobs database went kaput, and we lost all of the job listings. After pulling out my hair, I decided this was as good a time as any to try out a new system. It’s still in beta, but it’s a big improvement over the old system, I think.

My apologies to everyone for the downtime. Hopefully, the new job board will be a happy, stable framework upon which we can build. If you hit any bugs along the way, please use the Contact page to let me know.

Oh, and for the coders out there, the new system is based on the JobberBase script, which is pretty damn delicious.

Posted on Motionographer

Quimby The Mouse

More animated goodness from Chris Ware for This American Life. More info on the Vimeo page. Animation by John Kuramoto.

Posted on Motionographer

1st Ave Machine: Samsung “New Species”


1st Ave Machine’s latest project for Samsung is a delightful throwback to their early days (by which I mean a few years ago), when co-founder Arvind Palep cranked out photorealistic mechano-organic CG imagery that wowed everyone with its surreal beauty.

Like their “Sixes Last” promo from a couple years back, “New Species” is set in a forest of the imagination. I could decry agency Cheil Worldwide for forcing a repeat performance from 1st Ave, but it’s just so damned beautiful, I really don’t care. I feel like Arvind has created a universe—or rather augmented our own—with his work. You can’t contain that kind of potential in a couple of projects.

Check out 1st Ave’s portfolio here. For those who attended F5, note that Asif Mian’s new Mute Math video is now online as well.

By the way, I found this amusing old post from the Tween archives.

Posted on Motionographer

Optix Digital for Bontrust and Inlingua


NOTE: Some people might find this not safe for work (NSFW).

Optix Digital, based in Hamburg, Germany, flexes their muscles in two new CG spots. First up is Bontrust “Geldvermehrung” (marginally NSFW).

This may be one of the strongest metaphors I’ve seen in a while for global economic convergence. It’s also loads of fun. Unique character designs and a full narrative arc are packed into the tiny space of the spot.

The circling cameras and love-bird music set the perfect stage for what lay ahead at the climax of the story. (Wink, wink.) I wish we could get away with making this type of work in the States!

For a little more behind the Bontrust project, including process images from Optix, read on.


Next up, an action-packed, type-based spot for Inlingua.

Key words and economic phrases comprise helicopters, fighter jets, tanks, and explosions—all obstacles we fight as we make our way toward the final goal. The POV camera work and excellent sound design help sell the ambiance of warfare and chaos as we duck in and around bunkers and dodge bombs of type.


Client: Bontrust Finance

Agency: Grabarz & Partner Werbeagentur GmbH, Fedja Kehl / Paul von Mühlendahl

Production: OPTIX Kreation

Producer: Steffi Beck, Tobias Ziegler

Creation: Andreas Pohl (CD / animation director), Petra Delitsch (AD)

3D Animation: Markus Geerts (Leadartist), Michael Gottschalk, Florian Weyh, Marc Goecke

Posted on Motionographer

Cisma: Adobe “Le Sens Propre”


Cisma’s latest short film, “Le Sens Propre,” continues in the surreal tradition of “Handmade” and “The Fly and the Eye,” fleshing out a body of work that grows more interesting with each new project.

The narrative of “Le Sens Propre” loops around itself in a dreamlike Gordian knot. The film’s real focus is on perception—the little surprises that blossom when expectations are upended and conventions are twisted.

From a production standpoint, there’s no 3D involved. The hand-crafted tableaux feel palpably real, which only further underscores the film’s surreality.

For a Q&A with Cisma and some production stills,  read on.

Disclosure: “Le Sens Propre” was underwritten by Adobe, an advertiser on Motionographer. This is no way effected our decision to share this work.

Posted on Motionographer

Call For Submissions: onedotzero

This is just a friendly reminder to get your submissions to onedotzero before Friday, May 29th. Do it!

Posted on Motionographer

Christopher Hendryx: Oxygen

If my chemistry classes had been as exciting and entertaining as this short by Christopher Hendryx, I’d probably be in a different profession today.

“Oxygen,” created as Christopher’s thesis for the Computer Animation program at the Ringling College of Art & Design, tells the adventures (and frustrations) of little Oxygen trying to make friends at Element-ary school. It’s a lovely piece of storytelling, taking a dry and otherwise uninteresting subject and turning it into a funny and engaging narrative.

I’m loving the hilarious voice over. The animation is filled with little details (my favorite are the little electrons floating outside the characters), and the subtle sound design really gives the feeling of being back to school.

Who knew Oxygen could be such an outcast?

Posted on Motionographer

Newport Beach Film Festival Titles

Elastic/A52 presents the opening titles for the 10th Annual Newport Beach Film Festival. If not for its wonderful design and execution alone, this referential journey should have a special place for those of you who grew up geeking out on animated logo sequences, even before the titles.

As an homage, Elastic cleverly deconstructs some of the most classic, animated studio preludes and flips them on their heads. This thing is firing on ALL cylinders.


CLIENT: Newport Beach Film Festival

CITY/STATE: Santa Monica, CA
CITY/STATE: Santa Monica, CA
PRODUCER: Jenny Bright

CITY/STATE: Santa Monica, CA
PRODUCER: Jenny Bright
FILM/DI COLORIST: Patrick Murphy
CG SUPERVISOR: Kirk Shintani & Max Ulichney
3D ARTISTS: Adam Newman, Paulo de Almada, Christopher Janney

CITY/STATE: Los Angeles, CA
COMPOSER: Kael Alden

FINAL MIX COMPANY: Framework Sound
CITY/STATE: Santa Monica, CA
MIXER: Ken Dahlinger

Posted on Motionographer

Gravity: Pelephone “Canons”


As a follow up to their previous spot for Israeli telecom company Pelephone, Gravity teamed up with director Eli Sverdlov on another spot full of charm and cheer for agency Adler Chomski & Warshavsky/Grey Israel.

Like “Other World,” “Canons” is reminiscent of director Rupert Sanders‘ penchant for magical realism, but with a decidedly campy twist. The saturated visuals and grin-worthy denouement suggest an alternate reality of storybook proportions, the kind of place that could just as easily fit in a snow globe as it could in your imagination.

I like that level of approachability for something so surreal. It’s a difficult thing to master in 60 seconds of airtime.

Posted on Motionographer

Google’s Chrome Shorts

Google has just launched a YouTube page with 11 short films to promote the launch of their new web browser, Chrome. Similar to BNS’s ‘Feature Films’ for VW back in ‘05, these quirky, non-literal films highlight some of the browser’s best features. Google also managed to curate quite a diverse group of films and creators for this project.

Here is a full list of the contributors and their films:
Steve Mottershead: Defenders in Tights
Christoph Nieman: You and Your Browser
Open: Features List
Motion Theory: Google Chrome
Go Robot: Dr. Squirrel’s Lab
Lifelong Friendship Society: Caged Rage 3: Binary Budokan
Hunter Gatherer: Door
Pantograph: The Evolution of Simple
Superfad: Chromance
Jeff & Paul: Collaborate with the Whole Wide World
Default Office: 9-5 8.5×11

To echo a constantly recurring theme in my recent posts; this is yet another example of web-based content allowing director’s play. As the range of creative broadens online, let’s just hope the budgets start to catch up with those of it’s terrestrial siblings.

I’ll update this post as more info comes in…

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