Digital Matte-Painter

Hi, im new here, so i want to show my work (website) with all of you.

Item Idem


We don’t fully know how to describe artist, designer, bon vivant: Item Idem, but we definitely have plus size boners for the art he makes. His wiki describes him as: ”Austin Powers pretending to be Philippe Starck, art directed by Marcel Duchamp and scripted by Oscar Wilde“. There’s really an endless amount of things to go through on his website and by the time you reach the end you’ll feel slightly cheapened and a little made-fun-of. But overall, if we had to describe a theme it would be: Item-Idem subtly says fuck you, disneyland. But that’s just our take away.

Judi Rosen’s Spring Studio Sale This Weekend!


Judi Rosen’s got a sample sale going on for all you curvy ladies out there. If you are not familiar with her clothing, she put it best with the following description: “I make clothes for people who like to be dressed up all the time — but also like to be comfortable. You know, slutty daywear.” Make the trek today from 4 – 8 and tomorrow from 1- 6 @ 25 W. 38th Street between 5th and 6th on the 8th floor.

Still Run. a film by Shilo.



Shilo recently completed Still Run, a music video for the Australian band BrotherSister from their latest album The Wunder Tales. After we listened to the record, we fell in love with the graceful beauty of the song and lyrics and knew we wanted to make a film that explored the idea of perseverance through change and adversity. The music for Still Run offers a haunting, multilayered, atmospheric mix with a steady, moving beat with but the lyrics say it all: “I still run, I still run, I still wander. In our day, everyday, we would wander. And I want to go, were nobody moves. Are you hearing something, don’t let me see you move.

Both “The Wunder Tales” and BrotherSister’s 2006 self-titled debut release can be ordered from their website.

Click here to view the embedded video.

New We Make It Good mix from FREE BLOOD!


Look to your right! Not in reality but on your computer screen. That’s a new mix from our friend Free Blood. Download it! Fast! Before the cops come!

Chanel No. 5 by Jean-Pierre Jeunet


The NYTimes blog, The Moment, has a great post taking you through the history of the Chanel No. 5 short film series that began back in 1960 with Richard Avendon and Vicky Hilber, progressed through the 70s with Catherine Deneuve and culminated with Baz Luhrmann’s Nicole Kidman epic. Always coupling a fantastic director with an iconic beauty, Jeunet’s take is no different with his muse, Audrey Tautou, featured in the latest film. Go directly to Jeunet’s film HERE or to the Moment’s Chanel tribute HERE.

The Disco Files


Tastemaker and selector du jour, Mike Simonetti of Italians Do It Better  just did a mini-write up on what he’s calling the “best book on the early days of disco I’ve ever read”. They’ve got copies of it in the IDIB store if you’re interested in immersing yourself in some authentic disco history.

“hello. we are proud to announce that as of today we have copies of THE DISCO FILES in our store. This is by far the best book on the early days of disco i have ever read. It was written by Vince Aletti, who was the first person to cover the NYC disco scene. This is his memoir, and it contains stories, charts & photos. The charts are from clubs all over the world from regional djs of the day. At 484 pages long, this is no joke! Its a must for anyone who is a fan of Italians or dance music in general. A great book to learn from. Seriously, i’ve been waiting for this for years! Thank our friends at for this one…It is imported from the UK so it is slightly more expensive but it is worth every penny. Plus you are supporting a micro indie label with a huge undertaking which is this book.”

Radio Soulwax – FOR REAL!


2 Many DJs are actually launching a “real” online radio station to coincide with their ever evolving Radio Soulwax concept. No sponsors, no ads. Just music. Keep an eye on SOULWAX.COM and wait patiently for the end of May!

Selgas Cano


In theory, it would be AMAZING to work from a 2001 style hobbit villa. For sure. Until, at about 3pm, you realized you couldn’t get any more coffee without taking a zipline from your pastoral forest back to civilization. At this point you’d be all like “no thanks”. But maybe it’s different for Spanish architect, Selgas Cano









Dorkface Alert: Some of us at WMIG went to school to be audio engineers a long, long time ago. Meaning that while learning how to edit 2 inch tape, solder wire, and play with the Linn Drum Machine, we also spent hour after hour micing and crudely tuning drum set after drum set. Now, having recorded EVERY genre of music, the only thing that we actually miss about those bygone days is micing up a beautifully preserved, original Ludwig Vistalite. This was the drum set that John Bonham endorsed in the 70s that had cool names like the Jellybean and Tequila Sunrise? ya ever heard? Eventually discontinued when the Tivoli model sounded the death knell with it’s high concept christmas light design. Too expensive, too many melted drum sets, and too many broken dreams. From a design perspective they still look pretty fantabulous and I wish I could make them into my desk. One day.

