Welcome to the 4th Grade – Dwayne Reed
Posted in: Animation
Instead of sending out the boring, old, “Welcome Back” newsletter, Mr. Reed, a first year teacher from Chicago, wrote a rap song for his 4th grade students, and recorded a music video to go along with it! The song and video emphasize the reality that hard work is a must, but that school and learning can certainly be fun!
Dwayne Reed contact info:
Email: dwaynepreed@gmail.com
Twitter: @dreedthedope
Twitter: @TeachMrReed
Instagram: @dreedthedope
Download “Welcome to the 4th Grade” for free: https://dwaynereedmusic.bandcamp.com/track/welcome-to-the-4th-grade
Beat track by Stevo:
Twitter: @stevotherapper
The Hounds, Ltd. exists to enable children from under-resourced environments to achieve more. With each t-shirt purchase, they send a child from the inner-city camping, which allows them to see a world outside the neighborhood they’re used to, and build self confidence by mastering new skills.
The Hounds, Ltd. info:
Web: http://www.thehoundsltd.com
Twitter: @thehoundsltd
** It has come to our attention that Mr. Reed’s song has a melody very similar to Michael Jackson’s “I Will Be There.” The artist did not intend to steal, rip, riff, or mimic Mr. Jackson’s song, but apparently, powerful songs and their sounds can remain lodged in people’s memory even decades after they’ve been released or heard. As to avoid any controversy or issues, Mr. Reed has chosen not to sell his “Welcome to the 4th Grade” song, opting only to use it as a fun way to connect with his students and start the school year with some excitement!