David Salaices: Clock DJ

Wiki wiki wiki. A clock collage by the Madrid-based Musikame team — David Salaices, Alex Santiago and Latrama. (Via Vimeo staff picks.)

Posted on Motionographer

Michel Gagné: Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet

I don’t have an Xbox, but if I did, right now I’d be playing Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, created by Joe Olson and Michel Gagné. I’ve been excited to see how Gagné’s beautiful FX animations translate to a gaming environment since the initial trailer came out in 2007. Gagné’s previous work includes the Ratatouille taste visualizations, The Iron Giant FX, and his epic short, Prelude to Eden.

The ITSP blog has beautiful concept art and screen shots. There’s a free trial version on Xbox Live Arcarde.

Posted on Motionographer

PF Track help

Hey guys,
I’m doing a 3D track in PFTrack for a big problem shot. It was shot on green screen with track markers but the camera movement is a huge sweeping rotation of over 100 degrees. I thought I got a pretty decent track all things considiring as I was able to place test objects in and they stuck great… But the grid in the rotation is actually not rotating nearly enough. So what I end up having is a first have that tracks well a rotation that is wrong and a second half that tracks well.

Everywhere I read up says to use user tracks to fix problem shots but I just don’t understand how they work… Do you use them in conjunction with an autotrack and if so when? before the auto track? or after? Also What should I do when the track marker goes off camera? Just move it off frame and make new tracks?

Film festival leader

Hey guys!

Here is a leader for a student film festival we did. (For the festival itself, not for competition) I’ts also my first time supervising, so please let me know what you think 🙂


I did the transition into the cellphone, the earthzoom (not the earth and satellites) and the cellphone screen replacements.

RSA Animate Style animator needed

Hi all. I’m new here, a tv commercial producer and I’m looking for an animator that can help us with a 10-min length vid done in the RSA Animate style, either drawn first then animated, or shot live as drawn, timed to vo.

Prefer an animation house over a freelancer but if you’re a freelancer who can get an animation house behind you or your demo reel speaks volumes to your experience I’m interested in hearing from you.

Jackie, Vancouver Canada
girlwith_noname@hotmail.com <- I’m legit, just use this email addy in forums cuz of spam ‘n stuff…

VFX/broadcast design showreel

A selection of work completed at Mainframe over the past year or so, except for a couple of tests/freelance bits.

Sorry for no breakdown, I basically did most of the 3D/tracking etc. and a few bits of the comping in AE but that was mostly done in Nuke by other artists.

Hope you enjoy.


parent lights and objects together in layout

ive used scene editor to try and do this and cant make it work. ive tried using a null object and cant make it work either. it seems so simple, to select all objects and lights, and then parent them together, but i cant for the life of me figure it out.

my REAL problem is that i have imported camera data from PFTrack into my LWS, and need to reposition the camera. but when i do that, it only repositions the camera for one frame, then it moves back to it’s original position for the remainder of the frames.

so i either need to move the actual object with the lights to where i want it, or figure out a way to move the camera for all frames.

Heebok Lee

You have seen his work on the big screen, now see his personal site. Creative Director, Heebok Lee updates.

Houdini Demo Reel 2011

[NEWS=”http://www.vfxtalk.com/news/2011/houdini_reel_thumb.jpg”]33233[/NEWS]Check out the hot new demo reel from Houdini! This reel highlights some of the amazing work created by Houdini artists over the last year. From feature films to commercials to student projects and video game cinematics, it is wonderful to see what can be accomplished with Houdini’s visual effects and animation tools.

Find out more about the power of Houdini at http://www.sidefx.com


Attached Thumbnails

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Feedback on My Rough Demo Reel

This is a very rough edit that I wanted to get some feedback on. I know there is many problems, but I would like some suggestions while I am working on it. Thank you for your time!
