the following is a very well written request from your community leaders to new users to this forum. Its meant to make the search for answers most efficient. thank you for reading this. Happy Nuke-ing!
Always make an effort to find the answers you are looking for in the provided resources before posting your question on the forum (especially when you are just starting out learning Nuke).
This shows readers that you have put in some effort to solve your problem, but you still need some more help.
Otherwise, members will feel you are someone who wants something for nothing (no effort given on your part), and they will either get irritated, or purely ignore your post.
For the future, here are a few things you can try before posting questions..
– Have a look in the Nuke User Guide
..can be found under Help > Documentation in the Nuke menu bar
(Contains lots of useful information.. and a good place to start reading up on channels in Nuke, and all the nodes that can be used to move them around.. such as the Copy node shown in my example above).
When you find yourself stuck or confused in 2D/3D, try the following.
1. See the name of the node / operator / technique / channel
2. Copy this name and open the Nuke User Guide. Try to find the same name in there
3. If you find a match, have a read through that section
4. If you still don’t understand it clearly, take a screen shot (print screen) of that section, and post it here.
5. Try to explain (here) what part of the help you did understand and also which part you did not understand.
*If you have been trying something in Nuke, a screen shot of your script can be useful to other readers when they are trying to help. Alternatively, you could upload the script (if you’re allowed to) for others to look at, make suggestions on, etc.
///// [Ref: Boomji]
– Use the forums Search function (Top right area of the page.. ‘Search this Forum’ )
..a lot of the time you’ll be lucky and find someone else has already asked your question, and the answers are all laid out for you in the thread (..it beats waiting a few hours for people to reply )
– Have a look at some of the free tutorials on The Foundry’s website:
>> Tutorials and Example Images: (Nuke 5 Tutorial documentation is in the Nuke User Guide)
>> Nuke Training: FX PHD’s Compositor’s Guide to Nuke (scroll a little bit down in the page)
Hope it helps
[original created by doodle]