New Mari Training Course


Just wanted to let everyone know Sphere VFX have just released their new 2 day Mari training course. This is not online training such as fxphd’s new Mari course but on-site training.

The course covers:

Customizing the View
Using Shortcuts
Configuring Brushes
Clone Stamping
Painting through an Image or Gradient
Controlling the way Mari applies Paint to your Model
Transforming and Warping Paint
Towing Paint around
Copying and Pasting Paint
Editing Paint on Channels
Exporting and Importing Textures
Storing Resources using Shelves
Selecting Items
Grouping Palette Items
Working with Patches
Configuring the User Interface
Managing Images in Mari
Managing Colors in Mari
Filtering Images and Paint
Multiple Objects
Layers in Mari
Painting Animated Objects
Extending Mari

For more information check out

Best regards,


nuke python + get node in focus (runIn)

hey ppl.

I’m having a hard time identifying a node within the current focus.

this is quiet a good solution for getting the nodes.. what annoys me is the result.


for group in nuke.selectedNodes():    currSel = nuke.runIn(, 'nuke.selectedNodes()')
    print currSel

which returns


# Result: [<RotoPaint5 at 0x0000000004E96EB0>, <RotoPaint3 at 0x0000000004E8C130>, <RotoPaint4 at 0x0000000004E96E90>]

is there any way to filter this results to get a clean name array like:


# Result: [<RotoPaint5>, <RotoPaint3>, <RotoPaint4>]

thanks for help!

Artist-Internship under VFX Supervisor at ILM (Hollywood, CA)

Artist-Internship available on Rough Hustle, an upcoming independent film featuring cast from Twilight, General Hospital, and X-Files.

Must know After Effects.

Working under a VFX Supervisor/Compositor from Industrial Light & Magic.

Details on the project can be found on Facebook,, IMDb, etc.

Screen credit (& IMDb). Direct mentoring by VFX Supervisor as well the Director.

Film to be released theatrically in early 2011 — Please submit resume & cover letter ASAP:

How has technology affected the short film industry?

Hey guys.

I’m currently doing year 12 Media Studies at school, and I’ve currently got an exploration peice (Explorative Essay if you like) on the following topic:

"How has technology affected the short film industry?"

If anyone’s got any interesting opinions or valid points, I’d love to hear them. 🙂

Thanks in advance guys.

Fluid Shaded Particle problem


Im trying to produce a meteor effect using fluid shaded particles. However im coming up with a couple of problems which im hoping someone on here might be able to help with. This is the video

firstly, for the first half of the sequence the particles show a lot of jitter from frame to frame but later this problem somehow fixes itself?

secondly, about every 5th frame i seem to get a grey render which also causes a more obvious flicker type effect that looks really bad but i dont know why?

thirdly, at the moment i am using the opacity input bias linked to a userscalar to fade the particles as they age, however this doesnt look right. I want the particles to fade more realistically. What would be the best way to connect to particle sampler to control this?

any help is much appreciated,


Zbrush 4 DPRes

a friend of mine is using Zbrush v4…and i noticed under his Tools > Displacement menu…there was no DPRes option listed.

just wondering where the setting went as I thought that set the resolution of the map.

Junior 3D & VFX Reel

Hi guys!
This is my first time here on this forum. Here is my 3D & VFX reel…

Let me know what you think!


Talento italiano – Agenzia Kalimera

Kalimera è un’agenzia di comunicazione, grafica, video, multimedia, interior design, fondata nel 1996 a Reggio Emilia. Sono un gruppo di persone con l’idea che la comunicazione non sia una serie di comparti stagni ma che viva di confronti e contaminazioni […]

Missing “N” Channel from geometry?

Hi all,

I recently upgraded to Nuke 6.1, but now a script created with Nuke 6, I gives me an error for the UVProject node: "UVProject: Missing ‘N’ Channel from geometry". Does anybody know how to resolve this? Does it have something to do with the obj. files I use to project on?

Thanks in advance!

Display issues

Hi guys,
I’m trying to figure out some display issues I’ve been having in the Node graph and viewer. Has anyone seen this problem before?

I’m running on a Macpro with an ATI x1900 XT graphics card fyi.

Thanks in advance!

Attached Thumbnails

Click image for larger version

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