Hornet directors, Mixtape Club and Yves Geleyn, recently collaborated on this project for St. Louis Children’s Hospital’s ‘Pursue Knowing’ campaign. The clever transitions and mixed elements illustrate how rich and full of possibilities a child’s imagination can be when learning about the world around them.
“When Mixtape Club and Yves set about defining the look and feel of the spot, they knew they wanted it to be tactile and playful. The directors individually fabricated elements like the paper lighthouse, origami birds, and a quilted globe. When animated and composited into each scene, these physical models replicated how a child’s imagination creates entire fantastic worlds from familiar surroundings.”
Behind the scenes
Hospital’s website
Directed by: Mixtape Club & Yves Geleyn
Agency: McKee Wallwork Cleveland
Executive Producer: Michael Feder
Producers: Zack Kortright & Jan Wohrle
3D Artists: Ylli Orana, Erwin Riau
Rotoscope Artist: Tiffany Chung
Designer: Ben Plouffe
Compositors: Julien Koetsch, Gabe Pulecio
Animators: Connie Li Chan, Aaron Stewart
Fabricators: Nathan Asquith, Erika Bettencourt,
Connie Li Chan
Editor: Anita Chao
Music by: Huma-Huma
Agency: McKee Wallwork Cleveland
Creative Director/Copywriter: Bart Cleveland
Agency Producer: Tom Garcia
Associate Creative Director: Daniel Andreani
Design Director: Michael Powers
Copywriter: Carly Shearer
Art Directors: Ashlee Powers, Chris Love
Project Manager: Elizabethe Reed
Intergration Director: Emily Howard Griebel
Posted on Motionographer